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Jisoo woke up because her phone didn't stop on ringing she look at the time it's 3 o'clock in the morning 'Who the fuck call this late?', She groan and reach for her phone that place on her nightstand she answered it without looking at the name.

"Hello?", "Chu....", Her eyes automatically opened when she heard the voice she remove the phone on her ear and look at the name that written 'Jenduekie', she sat down.

"Jen why did you call?", She said with a sleepy tone and rub her eyes "Can you... you c-come over?", She heard sobbing noise in the other line "Jennie, what happened? Why are you crying?", Jisoo got up and walk to her closet to grab a jacket she's just wearing a oversize t-shirt and a short.

"I j-just e-explain it l-later", Jisoo hurry to her front door of and grab her car keys and went to her car "I'm on my way" She said and hung up the phone.

15 minutes passed by......

Jisoo park her car in front of Jennie's house as she knock on the door, she heard footsteps and the door opened and revealed a messy Jennie.

Jennie immediately hug Jisoo tightly and Jisoo hug her back "It's okay Jennie I'm here" She mumbled and kiss Jennie's temper "Let's go inside" Jisoo said but Jennie just stay in her position Jisoo sigh and walk them inside she closed the door behind her and walk them in the living room and sat down.

Jisoo slowly pull away the hug and look at Jennie who's still crying she wiped the tears with her thumb "What happened?" Jisoo asked softly but Jennie look at her with a sad and hurt eyes.

"Jennie, please tell me what happened? Why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare? Did someone got inside?" Jisoo look around then to Jennie but she just shook her head "Then tell me what happened?" Jisoo said "K-Kai, he lied to me" Jennie said and tears starts to fall faster Jennie hug Jisoo and put her head in Jisoo neck "He cheated on me" Jennie mumbled angrily.

Jisoo pat her back "I should listen to you Chu the day you said that..." Jennie pull away and look at Jisoo with a guilty eyes "I'm sorry..." Jisoo smile at her softly and shook her head, she wiped the tears that are falling again "It's okay Jennie you don't have to be sorry" Jisoo said "But still, I didn't listen and that make us avoid and not talking to each other" Jennie protest.


One week ago

Jisoo walk to Jennie's homeroom to wait for her, she led by the wall and topping her foot on the floor then the door of Jennie's room opened and some students greet her and she just give them a small smile Jisoo got inside and closed the door behind her "Why did you close the door?" Jennie said while packing her things.

Jisoo didn't answer because she's feeling nervous, Jennie stop on what she was doing and face Jisoo who's looking at her "I asked why did you close the door" Jennie asked again and continue putting her things.

"I saw Kai" Jennie stop again "I saw him with another woman" Jisoo said without stuttering "Jisoo, that's not true Kai love me" Jennie claimed and a little annoyed at Jisoo "He is lying to you" Jisoo walk closer to Jennie.

Jennie put down her bag and look up at Jisoo who's looking serious, she crossed her arms "He can't lie to me I trust him" Jennie protest "If he loves you then he will not hug and kiss Krystal and other woman" Jisoo claimed that make Jennie taken a back.

The name Jisoo said was one of her close friend "Jisoo, that's not true, she's a good friend of mine" Jennie claimed "No she's not, if she's your good friend she will not talk behind yourself and steal you boyfriend" Jisoo said.

"Jisoo, I know you have feelings for me but don't ever say that my boyfriend to me don't make it up!" Jennie brust out, that hurt Jisoo straight in her heart it's true that Jennie know her feels about her because Jisoo confess to her but she got rejected and even she confess they stay friend.

"I'm not making it up I saw him kissing Krystal in the locker room at the gym!" Jisoo raised her voice a little Jennie walk to her things again and continue packing.

"Jisoo if you have proof I will believe you and if you don't then fucking stop" Jennie close her bag and put it in her shoulder "I'm just trying to protect you from hurting Jennie" Jisoo said softly "Jisoo I'm an adult now I can take care of myself and I don't need your help and I don't need you!" That make Jisoo feelings hurt, tears are building on her eyes but she hold it she walk closer to Jennie.

"If that so then I think I will stay away from you then" Jisoo said and walk to the door to opened it with a slammed Jennie froze on her spot she don't mean like that.

Jisoo run to her car with tears falling in her brown eyes, she got inside of the car and grip at the wheel and cry her heart out.

And that day the two of them avoid each other more like Jisoo avoid her because her words are always spinning in her head.


"How did you find out?" Jisoo asked Jennie who seems to calm down a bit while they are hugging each other in Jennie's bedroom "I was with Lisa and Chaeyeong in the mall and I spot the two of them shopping" Jennie sniff and Jisoo feel her breath making her blush.

"Kai said he was busy on his team " Jennie said "But then I saw him with Krystal who was clinging to his arm while they are smiling" A little tears fall on her eyes "Krystal the one that I trust but betrayed me" Jennie sniff again and Jisoo rub Jennie's back.

"I'm sorry Jisoo I don't mean the words I said to you" Jennie sincerely said "It's okay Jennie I understand you" Jennie kiss Jisoo's neck making Jisoo stop rubbing Jennie's back "I'm always here for you Jennie" Jisoo whisper in her ears.

Jennie pull away and look at her the two of them are just an inch apart and they can feel each others breath and Jennie feel something weird in her stomach Jennie study Jisoo's face the brown eyes, the pointed nose, the fluffy cheeks and lastly that kissable heart shape lips.

Jisoo caught Jennie looking at her lips then to her eyes she did the same Jennie lean in and Jisoo's breath became heavy and until there lips touched and Jennie closed her eyes and starts kissing Jisoo and she did the same.

Jennie's hands find there way to Jisoo's waist and Jisoo find there way to Jennie's neck pull her closer to deep the kiss, they kissed for a while and pull away to breath the two of them are blushing madly, they give each other a sweet smile.

"Thank you" Jennie said and kissed Jisoo again and move on top of her. And you know what happened.


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