First but not the LAST (02)

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"Unnie let's go" Jisoo said to her manager who nodded and she went inside the van it's been 2 years now and she been busy on her modelling career she busy herself on her work.

"Unnie, do you know who I will be partner with this next magazine?" Jisoo asked her manager while she scrolled on her social media "Honestly no they didn't say the name you will partner with" Her manager answered she just hummed and continue scrolling.

Then her phone starts ringing she look at it 'CHIPMUNK' was written to her screen.

"Hello, Chaeng why did you call?", "I want to inform you that we will celebrate a reunion next week", "Reunion?", "Yes, reunion for our school in high school we will celebrate it next week Sunday", "What time?", "6 in the evening", "Okay, I'll just check my scheduled first", "Okay, Yah Lisa stop that", She heard Chaeyeong scolding Lisa, "I have to go now unnie", "Okay, Bye", "Bye".

She sigh smiling her two bestfriend Chaeyeong and Lisa got married last year and had a baby girl named Ryujin "We're here" Her manager announced and opened the door for her.

"Oh Jisoo good morning" The photographer said while Jisoo just bow down to him "I like you to meet your new partner for this magazine Jennie Kim" A beautiful girl suddenly appeared at the side of the photographer she was shock to see the girl that leave her years ago but she didn't show it and put a fake smile.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Kim I'm Kim Jisoo just call me Jisoo" Jisoo said and stretched her arm out for a shake hands which Jennie gladly took it "Nice to meet you too Jisoo and please call me Jennie... like you use to call me" She mumbled the last part "Did you say something?" Jisoo said but she really heard what Jennie said.

"Oh nothing" Jennie said and smile softly while Jisoo try to let go but Jennie didn't let her "Jennie, my hand" Jisoo said put a fake smile again "Oh yeah, sorry" Jennie said shyly while she pull away "It's okay",'No, it's not', Her mind said differently "So, you two will share a dressing room if that's okay?" The photographer asked the two of them just nodded.

"Yes, it's okay Oppa" Jisoo said sweetly she knows who was the photographer he's one of Jisoo's friend the two of them are close "Okay, good the two of you will be starting your make up and also the dress are ready please escort them" He said to his assistant who nodded "This way please" The assistant said while the two just follow from behind.

Jennie steal some glance to Jisoo who was talking to her make up artist making her sigh and just scroll at her social media "Jennie, you are done you can wear your clothes" She nodded and went to the bathroom to change.

As she got out and fix her long sleeves she sees Jisoo looking at her then look away, she chuckled at her and sat down again in her chair while her hairstyle try to fix her hair then Jisoo change in the bathroom.

As she got out and fix her long sleeves she sees Jisoo looking at her then look away, she chuckled at her and sat down again in her chair while her hairstyle try to fix her hair then Jisoo change in the bathroom

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(This is what Jennie's gonna wear)

(And this is what Jisoo's gonna wear)

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(And this is what Jisoo's gonna wear)

Minutes passed by.....

The two are already posing at the camera they are sitting at the couch "Jisoo please sit down at Jennie's lap while facing each other then put your hands at her neck then Jennie please put your hands on her waist then look at each others eyes" The photographer explained 'Fuck my life', Jisoo said while she look at Jennie who was looking at her.

'You can do this Jisoo be professional stop thinking about the past', She sigh and then slowly sat down at Jennie lap she felt Jennie flinch a little then relaxed she did what the photographer said and look straight at Jennie's eyes.

"That's perfect" The photographer said and starts taking picture of them "Now Jennie please like your kissing Jisoo's neck while Jisoo tilt your head a little and put your hands on Jennie's nape and close your eyes" Jennie look at Jisoo "Are you okay with it?" Jennie ask her with concern "Yeah, it's okay" Jisoo answered and Jennie look at her one last time before she went closer to Jisoo's neck.

'This is torture', Jisoo said and close her eyes 'Just keep calm Jisoo and this will finish', Jisoo said to herself 'I miss her scent', Jennie said while her lips touch Jisoo's neck "Perfect" The photographer continue taking picture of the two and they continue posing at the camera and obeyed what the photographer said.

Hours passed by....

The photoshoot is now finish Jisoo and Jennie bow down at the stuff and saying thank you while they walk to the dressing room to change into something comfortable.

Jisoo was already finish dressing "Jisoo, Winter is here" Jisoo look at her manager confuse then the door opened revealing a beautiful girl with a baby on her hand Jisoo walk to the girl "What are you doing here?" Jisoo said smiling while she get the baby on the girl named Winter "Me and Karina have to go somewhere Unnie and we can't take baby Ella with us" Winter explained while she smiled at Ella.

"Oh okay I already finish my photoshoot though" Jisoo said and give Winter a sweet smile then a tall girl appeared at the door smiling at them "Hi, unnie" The tall girl greeted "Hey, Karina" Jisoo greeted back "Let's go?" Karina said to Winter who nodded.

(Authorim: This past few days I've been watching to much AESPA videos and I ship KARINA and WINTER😊😊)

"We have to go now unnie and good-bye baby Ella" Winter said and kiss the baby head and Karina did the same as the two exit the room "How was my baby girl doing?" Jisoo look at her daughter who was at her arm and she was smiling at her mother.

Jisoo starts playing with her daughter "Mama" Her daughter suddenly said making her look at her confuse Jisoo know Ella call her Mommy not Mama then she look at her left and see Jennie standing at the door making her froze.

"Mama" Ella said looking at Jennie who was confuse but smile at the same time making Ella giggled "Mama" Ella continue saying while trying to reach Jennie while she was in her mother's arm, Jennie then walk closer to the two "Hi baby" Jennie said smiling at her "Mama" Ella said again giggling want to be held by Jennie.

Jennie look at Jisoo like she's asking permission to hold the baby "Can I hold her?" Jennie shyly ask Jisoo who nodded and smile a little to her Jennie then carry Ella in her arms while smiling "She's quite heavy" Jennie joked and starts playing with Ella while Ella continue calling her Mama and giggled.

Jisoo was holding her tears back seeing her daughter being held to her ex lover and also the other parent of her daughter.


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