Give Up (03)

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A little girl went to them what shock her is what the girl called Jisoo "Omma" Jisoo quickly wipe her tears and hug the girl "Hi, Baby" Jisoo said and kiss her lips.

"This kid making me tired" A tall handsome man approach them with a pink little bag on his hand "Your getting old you know" Jisoo replied and hug him "No, I'm not" The tall man pout "Stop, that you're so ugly oppa " Jisoo said in a joking way he rolled his eyes then the his eyes landed Jennie who was looking at them, Jisoo notice him looking at Jennie.

"Oh, yeah Jin oppa this is Jennie" Jisoo said "And Jennie this is Jin oppa" The tall man name Jin extend his hand to shake hands with her and she accepted it "It's nice to finally meet you Jennie" Jin said in cold voice at Jennie who was confuse and nervous a little "In the flesh" Jennie said and they pull away.

"I have to go now Jisoo Namjoon was waiting for me" Jin said and hug her one last time "Okay, I'll just see you later and say to Namjoon oppa I said hi" Jisoo said when they pull away "Bye, mandu" Jin said and kiss the little girl head "Bye-bye" The little girl waved at him cutely and Jin eyes Jisoo telling her that she have to explained something "I have to go, it's nice to see you Jennie" Jin then walk away.

"Omma, look I got five stars because the teacher said I'm very good" The little girl smiled cutely and make Jisoo look at her hand making Jisoo smiled.

"That's nice baby" Jisoo said and fix her hair "Omma, I'm hungry" The little girl pout and rub her tummy making Jisoo chuckled then she look at Jennie who was froze at her spot "Hmm... Jennie can I feed her first?" Jisoo said and Jennie went back to reality "Y-yeah, sure" Jennie said try her hard not to cry knowing Jisoo was married now.

"Let's go baby" Jisoo said but the little girl stop her "Omma I want to seat here" The little girl then sat down at the chair "Hmm... Is that okay?" Jisoo asked Jennie who nodded and smiled at the little girl "I'll just get her some food" Jisoo walk away "Hi" The little girl wave at her using her small hand "Hello, what's your name?" Jennie said and pinch her cheek a gentle one "Ella, what's your name? Do you know my omma?" Ella said.

"I'm Jennie, yes I know your omma very well" Jennie said "Your name is so familiar" Jennie was confuse "Oh yeah I know now you-" Ella was cut off when Jisoo give her, her favorite pancake "Thank you" Ella said and starts munching her pancake silently "You're welcome baby" Jisoo said and pat her head she turn to Jennie.

"So, you already have a daughter and a husband?" Jennie asked "Yeah, I have a daughter but I don't have an husband" Jisoo said and look at Ella, Jennie was confuse "Then who was the man before?" Jennie asked and raised her eyebrows.

"He's my best friend and he's gay and the Namjoon he was saying was his boyfriend" Jisoo explained making Jennie blush for assuming that Jisoo was married and a bit relief that she was not married.

"Omma, adopted me when I was three years old" Ella said when she swallow her food.

"I adopt her 2 years ago because she reminds me of you and she's the one always making me happy" Jisoo said and smiled at Ella who's eating cutely "I want to move on and remove you from my memories but I can't every night... days I always remember you" Jisoo look at Jennie who was crying again.

"I didn't go to your wedding because I cannot stand seeing you marrying a man, I went here when you are about to get married to starts a new life" Jisoo said and smiled at her softly "It's really hard for me" She sigh "But Ella enter my life and it went so easy again for me she give me life again, happiness" Jennie stay silent but she's happy that Ella was there to give Jisoo some love.

"Jisoo I got divorce to him 2 years ago" Jennie said while looking at her drink Jisoo look at her "I... fell out of love to him and I realize that it's just a wrong thing to marry him" Jennie said "Every night you're always in my mind all the memories we have shares I always dream about it" Jisoo don't say anything letting Jennie continue.

"I just wish I can turn time back again so that I don't make a mess... and a big mistake for hurting you and breaking our promise" Jennie look at her with teary eyes.

"Baby" Jisoo said to Ella who was eating "Do you want to just play with Jinyoung oppa" Ella happily nodded her head "Jinyoung!" Jisoo called out the man "Can you please play with Ella in my office?" He nodded and hold Ella's small hand and the two of them walk away.

"Jisoo I'm so so sorry for what I had done to you and because I'm still young and stupid of me feeling safe with him" Jennie said "So, your saying that you don't feel safe with me that time... because I'm a girl I can't make you feel safe?" Jisoo tears starts falling again she felt hurt about it "No, Jisoo no I... I was safe being with you.... I'm a dumb stupid teenager I was selfish back then but now I'm not because I want to fix everything" Jennie said and reach for Jisoo's hand to hold it.

"Please give me a second chance to show you that I love you so much and I'm sorry for what I did... I can do whatever you want me to do just so you can give me a second chance Jisoo" Jennie beg for her "I'll court you again" Jisoo look at her she just went silent.

"I.. I don't know" Jisoo answered "I don't know if I can trust you again" Jisoo pull away her hand but Jennie tight the grip but not so tight to hurt her "I'll let you gained my trust again, I'll wait so let me court you" Jennie said Jisoo bit her lips hesitating at what she will say "O-okay" Jisoo mumbled but enough to let Jennie heard it.

"Really?" Jennie said with her famous gummy smiled "But don't break it again" Jisoo said and blush at how Jennie look at her and kissing her hand "I will not do it again" Jennie said and stare at her lovely.

"Omma" The two of them look at the little girl "Yes, baby?" Jisoo said and pull her hand away from Jennie  "I want to go to the mall, I want to buy a new dress" Ella pouted making Jisoo kiss her cheek because of cuteness "Okay, baby I'll just get our things then will go" Jisoo said and stood up she was about to go when Ella pull the hum of her dress "Can she come?" Ella said while pointing at Jennie who was smiling widely making her chuckled "Yeah, sure baby anything for you" Jisoos said and pat her head as she walk to her office.


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