Hows of Us

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HOWS OF US is Filipino movie and the actress and actor are Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla a heart-breaking scene again.

Oh and was request by Demeter028😊😊. (I know it's been a while since you requested it😅😅)

A gender blender but this time Jisoo will be Daniel and Jennie will be Kathryn 😁😁.



"Just stay there, stay there" Jennie said coldly at Jisoo "Jennie, Jennie you will get sick" Jisoo said as he followed Jennie with an umbrella "Stupid, there you go again!" Jennie said angrily and throw the umbrella that Jisoo was holding.

As she run her both hand to her face looking away from Jisoo and sigh as she turn to face Jisoo "Since you already know how to get me" Jennie said "Just one smile... one song... one hug... just a sorry... " Jennie said crying and paused "Nothing, my world is spinning again" Jennie said glaring at him.

"Fuck, Jisoo!" Jennie shouted at him as she wipe her tears "I'm a smart person....." She paused "But when it's comes to you, I don't know why I'm being stupid" Jennie pointed at him "What is the reward if I get back to you again?" She asked "My world will stop again? Just for you?" She look straight to Jisoo's eyes.

"How many years will be my life will get wasted again? Stupid, you know Taehyung!" Jennie said and run her hand in her hair "He's gonna be a doctor" Said in a sad tone "Irene.. " Jennie smiled bitterly "Happily Married now" Chuckled bitterly "Me?" Jennie said and point at herself.

"Here I am... still trying to get up just to get back what I lost when you left me" Jennie cried "Jennie I'm sorry" Jisoo said and look up to her "And what makes that 'sorry' different? From your sorry before?" Jennie asked cry in silent Jisoo can't say anything but to look down.

"Almost seven years of my life I gave it to you Jisoo... And that seven years..... It was just one time I told you I'm tired" Jennie said while crying and she gesture it with her pointed finger her tears are mixed up with rain.

"One time I asked if I can fight" She sniffed "One time I had the courage to tell you what I feel.... That I was hurting.... that I was losing myself..." Jisoo look down while holding his tears back.

"Just one time, in the many times I could have given up, but I didn't..." Jennie paused while she bring her hand to her eyes then to her mouth she sniffed.

Jisoo can't do anything but to just look at her "It  turned out you only needed that one time, to give up on us..... to leave... and not come back..." Jennie take a breath "I needed you to fight for us that night" Jennie said "Jennie.. " Jisoo mumbled to her.

"Because I was so tired of fighting alone.... To fight, that even if I tell you to leave, you wouldn't because you know me... I just said all that because I was tired... But I love you!" Shouted at him but not to loud "Jennie, I love you too... I still love you Jennie" Jisoo finally said.

"But that one time I got tired... you chose to leave me... Is that how you love me, Jisoo? How can you give up so easily? How did you not find a reason to stay?" Jennie asked while crying hardly and look away.

"I will never allow you to consume me again" Jennie said and wipe her tears then look at Jisoo "Once the rain stops, and I came back, I want you gone... I'll just get in touch with you, once I need you to sign papers, when the house gets sold" Then Jennie walk away sighing heavily leaving Jisoo to stand alone in the street.

Time skipped... (Jennie in Taehyung house he's gay)

Jennie drank her drink while Taehyung blow his cigarette "What if it takes a year for the rain to stop?" Taehyung said while pointing outside.

"Then he's lucky but admit it you're proud of me... I'm not stupid anymore" Jennie said and they toast while Jennie smiled sadly "But your not happy" Taehying pointed and chuckled.

"You know what, I don't get you... If I use this, you tell me I'm stupid" Jennie at her heart Taehyung nodded biting his lips preventing from laughing "If it's this, I'm unhappy" Jennie said and point at her head.

Taehyung chuckled at her "It's because you really can't be happy, so we're tie" Taehyung pointed at hisself while Jennie take a sip on her drink "That way,  I won't get jealous of you anymore" Taehyung said making Jennie confuse.

"What?" Jennie asked "It's me who's jealous of you... you're a doctor now" Taehyung hummed to her and let her continue "And I'm still trying" Jennie said.

"But my diploma can't hug me at night!" Taehyung shouted making them chuckled "I've always been jealous of you, because everytime I saw you hurting, I felt as if I was missing out on something that matters more" Taehyung explained and giggled.

"Because I don't have that" Jennie just look at him "I guess that grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it? It's depends where you choose to look" Taehyung said then a silent came.

Jennie lean her head on Taehyung shoulder who just let her and they just look at the rain falling.


JENSOO (ONESHOT)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя