Lie to Me (05)

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"Oh my god!" Jisoo said in shock "Is this real?!" She said as Chaeyeong nodded her head "Yes, unnie I'm so happy for you!" She hugged her.

"I'm gonna act to Snowdrop!" Jisoo said jumping happily as Chaeyeong join her "Yes, yes!" Chaeyeong said and giggled.

"Now let's go celebrate!" Jisoo nodded "True true let's go change and go to the bar invite the girls" Jisoo said and went to her room to change into something.

Time skip.... At the bar....

"Let's all cheers for Jisoo at her first ever drama!" Seulgi said "Cheers!" They all drink their beverage "Where's Irene? Seulgi Unnie?" Jisoo asked her while she put down her glass.

"Oh she said that she's gonna bring her friend with her they will be here in a minute" Seulgi explained "Oh okay" Jisoo nodded and starts drinking again and chat with the girls.

"Hey babe" Seulgi quickly stood up and kiss her girlfriend "Excuse me unnie we're here" Jisoo said rolling her eyes in a playful way "Yeah yeah whatever Jisoo your being bitter again" Seulgi tease her "Whatever unnie" She said and grab some chips in the table until her eyes lead to a very very familiar face.

'What is she doing here?', She thought and see her walking to their table "Guys this is Jennie" They are all shock except for the two couple and look at Jisoo who's looking at Jennie more like glaring at Jennie.

"Jennie is the one your saying unnie the one Irene unnie will bring?" Chaeyeong asked them "Yeah she is, she's may friend and I know what happened between the two of them but I hope it will not be awkward?" Irene explained then they went silent for a bit.

"It's okay unnie" Jisoo said softly Chaeyeong look at her "Are you sure unnie?" Chaeyeong whisper to her she just nodded "Okay that's good why don't we continue drinking?" The girls nodded to Seulgi "I'll grab as more drinks" She said and exit the room.

Jennie and Irene sat down Jisoo drank her drink "Here's some drink" Seulgi hand the two other girls some drinks which they gladly took.

Jennie will glance at Jisoo who's talking and laughing with Chaeyeong then Jisoo suddenly stood up with her phone "Excuse me guys I'll just take this" She said and the girls nodded as she exit the room then Jennie excuse herself too.

To go to the bathroom well not really she's gonna follow Jisoo she hide somewhere and listen to Jisoo.

"Hey, babe", She's shock 'Is Jisoo has a girlfriend or a boyfriend?', She asked herself and listen more, "What really your going here in Korea?", "Oh my god, I'm excited to see you", "Yeah, I'll pick you up tomorrow", "Send me what time", "God I miss you", "Yeah, I know but I miss you don't complain", "I have to go now I'll see you tomorrow bye-bye I love you".

Then she see Jisoo hung up the phone with a smile she face the wall so Jisoo will not see her she quickly went to the bathroom and lock it she lean her back to the wall and cried "I'm too late" She said to herself.

"Your so stupid Jennie" She said she take Jisoo for granted but what she did she mess up now Jisoo already find someone else someone who will treat her "I will not give up on you Jisoo I will make you love me again and I will explain everything and I will make you trust me again" Jennie said looking at the mirror and wash her face.

"Where did you go?" Irene asked Jennie because she's missing for about 20 minutes "There's so many people in the bathroom" She lied Irene just nodded to her buying the lie she said "Okay" Irene said and they sat down again.

Jennie drink and drink non-stop the girls are looking at her shock same goes to Jisoo she didn't know Jennie drink so much "Yah, Jennie stop that your drunk" Irene said and snatch the drink away for Jennie "No, I want more" Jennie said reaching for the drink but Irene don't let her but she's being stubborn.

"Jennie stop drinking your drunk you have to rest" Jisoo said to her making her stop and pouted Jisoo tried her best not to smiled while the girl we're amused by Jennie who obeyed at Jisoo.

"I'll take her home guys and I'm tired too bye" The girls just nodded while they help Jisoo get Jennie in her car "Bye, see you tomorrow" Jisoo then drove away from the bar.


Who do you think Jisoo talking to the phone? 🤔🤔


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