Away (02)

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"Mom Dad, I want to cancelled the wedding" Jisoo said to her parents "And what is your reason young lady?" Her Father said coldly "Jennie don't like me" Jisoo said sadly "I don't care because this is for our company and for your future you understand!" Jisoo's father shouted at her making her flinch.

"But she don't like me and she will not like me as her friend to because I'm just invisible to her" Jisoo starts crying her mother came to her as she hug her from the side "You can't change my mind sweetheart I know that someday she will learn to love you" Jisoo father said and hug her too "I'm sorry for shouting at you because I'm just doing this for your future sweetheart to have a better life" She can't don't speak.

"The wedding will be in two weeks tomorrow" Her father announced she was about to speak but her father cut her off "No, buts Jisoo my secretary will send you the scheduled and you have to be on time every scheduled, understand?" Her father said strictly she nodded and sigh can't do anything to stop the wedding.

At Jennie's house.....

"IN TWO WEEKS?!" Jennie shouted angrily at her parents "Don't shout at us young lady" Her father said with the coldest tone "You will get married even if you agree or not that was final" Her father said and stood up from his sit.

"BUT I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!" Jennie protest to her father "Don't shout at me young lady and break up with him" Her father said while she give her an envelope she opened it a tears starts falling it's was her boyfriend Kai with another woman laughing while he kiss her, now she know that Jisoo was right after all.

(Author: I'm sorry if I don't put GD as her boyfriend because Jennie's father will be him😅😅.)

"Don't you dare escape or run away because if you dare to do that I will make sure you live in the streets" Jennie's father said as he went to his office.

Jennie fall at the couch crying it's her first seeing her father like this "I'm sorry honey I can't stop your father" Jennie's mother said while she hug her comforting her.

Next morning.....

Jennie don't want to go to school because she don't want to see her jerk boyfriend who was cheating at her back.

She lazily get up and went to the bathroom seeing her messy hair and her swallow eyes she sigh and took off her clothes she opened the shower.

As she finish showering and changing she put some light make up on her face.

"Hey, babe I was calling you last night bec-", "I was doing something", She replied coldly while she get inside the car, "Are you on your period? I can buy you some chocolates", "Yes, I am and you don't need to just don't talk to me for now".

She then hung up she close her eyes sighing "Are you okay Ms. Kim?" Her driver asked "Yeah, something just happened" She said softly her driver don't ask any questions he just nodded and continue on driving.

Jennie was looking at the window to spot Jisoo biking with someone.

"Can you slow down a bit?" Her driver obeyed and Jennie watch every movements they are doing and yesterday she seen them talking to each other while Jisoo looking at the girl with admiring her.

And she don't know that she was glaring at them when her jerk boyfriend who was she glaring at but she just say nothing.

"We are here Ms. Kim" Jennie quickly went out slamming the door running to the entrance to get a little bit close to the two so she can hear their conversation.

"Your really funny unnie" Hye yoon said while giggling holding her bike "Not really Hye yoon" Jisoo said smiling shyly let just say Jisoo has a crush on Hye yoon even when Hye yoon still not transfer to their university she has a crush on her because of how beautiful and humble was Hye yoon.

'Is she has a crush on her?', Jennie thought to herself looking at the two back on forth "Will you tour me around the campus? Because yesterday you went home early" Hye yoon said pouting "Yeah yeah sure I don't have a problem with that and I'm sorry" Jisoo said while she scratch her not so itchy nape.

"It's okay and I want to get to know you more your so fun to be with" Hye yoon said and Jennie notice the little smirk at her lips Jennie was about to go to her when someone pull her.

"Hey, unnie" It was Lisa hugging her shoulder she look  at her then to the two girls she was following but she see that she lost the two making her groaned and to be honest with herself she don't really know what she's doing but yesterday and today she felt a bit pinch at her heart and she don't know why.

"JENNIE UNNIE!" Lisa suddenly shouted making her flinch and students looking them she glared at the tall girl "You don't have to shout you monkey" Jennie said and glared at the students who was looking at them.

"Well I'm calling you for about ten times but you still spacing out so I make something that can get you back to reality" Lisa said and flip her hair "So your plan was to shout?" Jennie said and Lisa smiled "Your so stupid you can just shake me or tap my shoulder right your so stupid" Jennie said annoyedly and walking away "Grumpy" Lisa said "I heard that!" Jennie shouted and continue walking to her homeroom.




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