Heard (01)

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Hi!!! 😊👋



"I'm home" Jennie shouted as she remove her shoes, Jisoo who was in the kitchen hurry went to the front door to greet Jennie "My baby is tired" Jisoo said as she kiss Jennie's lips who just give her small smile.

"Are you hungry?" Jisoo asked Jennie nodded "Yeah, are you cooking?" Jennie replied "Yes, I am its almost done why don't you change first I will call you and I have something to tell you also" Jisoo smiled Jennie nodded and went upstairs while Jisoo went to the kitchen again and continue cooking.

Jisoo and Jennie are married for almost two year now and they are happily married, the two of them met in a library where Jisoo always goes and Jennie just move in the city.


Jisoo was trying hard to grab the book but she can't until someone grab it Jisoo turn around and see a good looking girl their face are just an inch Jisoo quickly move back looking away she felt like blushing she heard the girl chuckled as she look at her again.

"Here" The girl handed her she grab it "T-thank you" She said and look at the girls eyes she got mesmerized by her hazelnut eyes look straight at her's "I'm Jennie I just move in the city" The girl introduced herself and offer her hands to Jisoo for a shake hands.

Jisoo accept it and she felt a spark but she ignored it "I'm Jisoo" She said and they shake hands while smiling after they met, they always chat and laugh with each other until they fall in love with one another.


Jisoo finish cooking and smiled she try called Jennie out but she's not responding she then went upstairs to their room she was about to opened the door when she heard Jennie talking to the phone.

"Yeah, don't worry okay? Just wait... I just make her sign some papers then leave her", Jisoo was shock to heard that she lean to the wall and continue listening "Will be together official not hiding anymore... I love you", Jisoo close her mouth preventing for making any sound tears starts rolling down her cheeks.

She then heard Jennie hung up she quickly wiped her tears and took a deep breath before she put a face smile, she opened the door "Love, the dinners ready" Jisoo said Jennie nodded as Jisoo went downstairs.

She can't believe what she just heard Jennie was only with her because of her money, she also having an affair Jisoo have a lot in her minds.

(Author: Jisoo was a billionaire's daughter and have her own company and restaurant around the world.)

She felt a kiss on her cheek making her when back to reality "This looks delicious" Jennie said and look at the food at the table Jisoo put her fake smiled "Of course they are delicious remember your wife is a chef" Jisoo said and Jennie nodded.

"Yes, a really famous chef and a CEO" Jennie said proudly and kiss Jisoo lips "Let's eat now" Jisoo suggested and Jennie sat down beside her Jisoo served her the food as they start eating.

"What you are gonna say? That you have something to tell me" Jennie said while she drink "Oh it's not really important" Jisoo said and Jennie just nodded "Okay if you say so" Jennie then continue eating Jisoo look at Jennie feeling like crying.

"You okay?" Jennie asked "Yeah, I am... I love you" Jisoo replied "I love you too" Jennie response Jisoo don't know if she really gonna believe her.


Long time no see 😅😅 I've been off-line for so long 😅😅.

I stopped writing story for the past months because I've been focusing more on my studies and my school already start face to face classes that's why I can't updated for so long I'm sorry I promise to make it up to you all.

This will have part two 😊😊.


JENSOO (ONESHOT)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang