Heard (02)

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Okay, I fixed this part for you to be least confused.



"What the fuck?!" Jisoo's cousin said "She fucking using you for money?!" Jisoo nodded rubbing her forehead Irene sat down next to her feeling angry about what Jisoo just told her "Did you confront her?" Irene asked Jisoo shook her head.

"If I confront her she will just denied it" Jisoo response and drink her wine, they are at Irene's house alone because Irene's wife Seulgi has work to do "You did a good job to that" Irene said there was a moment of silent until Irene broke it.

"So what are you gonna do now? Filed divorce paper?" Irene said and sip on her wine "I still don't know what to do.... if I should just divorce her or talk to her about it" Jisoo said rubbing her forehead feelings stress about what she just heard last night.

"This may suggestion.... why don't you talk to Jinyoung? To get some info? Then when you have enough evidence confront Jennie for it" Irene suggested Jisoo didn't answer for a few seconds "I guess so...." Jisoo simply replied.

"For her to not denied it..... maybe that woman like she want Jennie to divorce you and get your money then when Jennie did that she will just steal it and run away from Jennie...." Irene said Jisoo feel like it make a little sense but she just sigh "I'll go now unnie" Jisoo said and stood up grabbing her bag.

"Take care" Irene said and Jisoo nodded as they hugged each other "Bye unnie" Jisoo said "Bye" Irene wait for Jisoo get inside the car before she closed the door.

"Take me to Jinyoung's condo" Jisoo's driver nodded and starts driving away from Irene's house her phone then starts ringing she look at the caller ID and see that its from Jennie she sigh and answer it.

"Hey, Love where are you? I'm home now", "I just have to meet someone then will be home", "Who?", "Just my business partner", "Okay, bye take care", "Bye".

Jisoo then hung up "We're here Mrs. Kim" Her driver said and opened the door for her as she went inside the building some staff bow down to her she just ignored them and went straight to the private elevator as she press the top floor.

She arrived at the top floor and walk to the end of the hallway were only one door was there she knock on it the door opened.

"Hey, Chu" A tall guy who was rubbing his wet hair to dry it "Hey, Oppa" Jisoo said and hug the guy and came inside as Jinyoung closed the door "Do want something to drink?" Jisoo shook her head "No, I'm good" Jinyoung nodded and sat down next to Jisoo.

"So, what brings you here?" Jinyoung asked while still rubbing his hair up with a towel "I have work for you to do" Jisoo replied Jinyoung stop rubbing his hair "And what is it?" Jinyoung said raised his eyebrow.

"Find the info of a woman that Jennie's mistress" Jisoo said Jinyoung was confused "Jennie's mistress?!" He shouted suddenly Jisoo closed her eyes she know that Jinyoung will react that way.

"Yes, her mistress she's cheating on me" Jisoo said calmly "What the hell?! She fucking do that?!" Jinyoung shouted and Jisoo just nodded "But how did you found out?" Jinyoung said making Jisoo sigh.

"I heard her last night talking to someone and saying I love you to each other" Jisoo said trying her best not to cry again but tears starts falling again she quickly wiped it off Jinyoung then hugged her.

"That's why I came here to get some help for you I need evidence about everything from that woman" Jisoo said and cried in Jinyoung's arm who rubbed her back "I will help you okay? So please stop crying I hate seeing you cry..." Jinyoung said and wiped Jisoo's tears who nodded and sniff then chuckled.

"I'll talk to Bambam with it and let him send you the files" Jinyoung said and Jisoo just nodded "I have to go now Jennie's waiting for me" Jisoo said making Jinyoung rolled his eyes

"Even though she cheated on you... you still care for her" Jinyoung said and Jisoo just shrugged it off "I love her even she hurting me" Jisoo last response and exited Jinyoung condo who just shook his head.


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