Part 11 CrossOver Pt1

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“Who's Ben?” Maria asked cuddling close to Cyrus that night. A think blanket wrapping their bodies. He love the smell of her hair.
“ well, although it goes against a lot of the old ways of the forever Knights he is a witch a damn strong one as well.” Cyrus said.
“Um, why do we need the help of a person who wields black magic? I mean facing one evil with another seems risky.” Maria said.
“ very true however, there are some out there that are trying to keep a balance just like we are. He is also going to bring his wife who is a pureblood. The thing we saw today was different it was more than just an alien.” Cyrus pecked a kiss on top of her head. She arched her back tours him.
“ will this be problematic?” she asked.
“ that is a huge possibility, however it’s only going to be him, his wife and his cousin. So we have them on numbers.” He laughed.
“ remember numbers only do so much against a massive Force.” She said gesturing a boom effect with her hands.
“I heard Driscoll spoke to you?” his voice went cold.
“ yes he did. He apologized but he also showed discomfort when it came to your idea of calling Ben.” She wiggled closer to him. Allowing his body to heat hers.
“ yeah they kind of have a small history. However it seems it’ll be okay, he knows what predicament we are in and if we could use some unfortunate allies to help us bring down this creature in red we are going to bite the bullet and do” he closed her into his arms as her body fell into bliss, melting into his arms.

The next morning was filled with drills and exercises everybody seemed to be tensed. It was understandable. Over 30 people died of old age yesterday and they couldn’t even stop the creature that did it. Came close yes but it was able to escaped. Maria who was finish sparring with Urein. She passed her a wet rag as he sat next to her with his. Rubbing the soreness of their necks Maria looked over at Urein.
“Are you okay? You was a little off today.” Maria asked.
“Lady Maria… it’s one thing to miss an opportunity, it’s another thing to completely miss your chance to end something evil…” Urien rubbed his brow.
“Look, the thing was able to escape. It doesn’t mean we failed. If we didn’t do something many more innocent lives would have been at risk.” She said nudging Urien.
“I guess… but it was my job to make sure that creature wasn’t able to escape and I failed that Duty.” Before Maria to stop him Urien was already on his feet walking away.
“Well he seems fun.” A deep voice record besides Maria. Turn into her size she saw a tall man dressed in black cargos and a red shirt. By the gods what happened to this man? His left eye bared a scar which gave him a bloodshot feature. The Man rub his goatee with a smirk, “ you figure Knights such caliber to take a loss.”
She stood up quickly pointing the training blade at the man, “And who are you scar face!” Maria sneered.
“ please Al Pacino wish he was me, the name is Alphonse Ravencroft.” He smriked.

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