Part 3

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The next morning Maria took a stroll through out the training field. After a long night with Cyrus she needed some fresh air. She was still kind of sore from the last night. But just remembering send tingles throughout her body.
“Lady Maria, good morning.” A familiar voice called out to her. Following the sound of The Voice she saw that it was Driscoll. He wore a Forever Knight jumper, which showed off his masculine figure as well as his overbearing sweatpants mark. She quickly over to her eyes to focus on his face rather than his other head.
“Sir Driscoll, good morning to you too.” He smiled as a use a damp rag to wipe the sweat off his neck. “Walk with me.” He demanded as he please just hand behind Maria as those a touch her back however it stood a few inches away not connecting with her just enough to direct her. The two of them walked alongside the track field.
“You know that performance you put on yesterday had a lot of Squires ready for combat. I appreciated that you did that it’s good to see them ready to go with the fire in their eyes. However I do have a few questions milady, what is your status with Cyrus?” confusion took place, she wasn’t sure how to answer that. They were closed both intimately and mentally but, she didn’t know where they stood relationship-wise. The question had her paws for a bit until Driscoll interrupted, “Sorry, not my place to ask such questions. I just want to know because this could affect how the both of you will act on the battlefield or how others will feel about it.” Driscoll remove this hand from her back as they reached the hot springs of the facility. Her eyes wandered his body as he removed his shirt which claimed on slightly because of the sweat he worked up.
“Don’t be worried my Lord, something like this when not shadow my judgment on the battlefield. I am ready just like anyone else to take out a heretic.” He smiled at her answer, closing the distance between the two where she could catch the faint scent of his body, “Good, I have to say I can see what Cyrus likes about you. You are rare very rare, and I have to admit I am slightly interested into getting to know you more. Are you free tonight?” once again the question stumped her, she was flattered that Driscoll wanted to know more about her as a person however she was conflicted with how Cyrus will take it. It was just a getting to know you hang out, nothing serious just people dancing to each other right?
“Can I get back to you on that?” He nodded to her.
“You may leave or join.” Driscoll said as he removed his pants slowly revealing the muscular hips that was hidden from the sweatpants. Mariah quickly blushed turning around and leaving the room with haste. “nonononono” she repeated.
Cyrus was relieved that the introduction did the new members of the forever Knights went smoothly do to pass Les it was hard to find a retreat get rid of the alien apostate. Before he took his leave Patrick quickly wave them over. Cyrus deadline Patrick he was respectful and I’ll just standing complete opposite of Driscoll, but he really wanted to meet up with Maria.
“Sir Patrick.” Cyrus said.
“Sir Cyrus, it is good to see you back in the meetings again. The new generation of forever Knights looks promising much talent and dedication among these young fellows. However, I feel there’s a mixture of worry among some of the squires especially with your relationship with Maria.” Patrick gave Cyrus a comedic smirk.
“ I don’t see whom it should worry, and if they have a problem they can meet me directly with it.” Cyrus wasn’t worried about challenge he was among one of the greatest warriors within the forever Knights.
“ don’t worry my friend I’m just pulling your leg however, I’ll keep my eyes on Driscoll. Lately he’s been a little more agitated from the words of the walls he seems to take a liking to your lady.” Patrick Lee back on his chair playing with the fluff of his robe.
“ that explains yesterday’s encounter, however I have no problem putting him down if he dares to cross me.” Cyrus said holding back the sound of anger in his tone.
Patrick couldn’t help to let out a laugh, he already knew how competitive the knights were amongst each other however when it comes to season Knights that’s a whole other level of competitive energy. “ just don’t start the apocalypse over her. We already have one idiots who almost made the apocalypse out of stupidity.” Patrick let out a laugh even though Cyrus didn’t find it amusing. Exchange a few ideas about the Squire’s and Cyrus took his leave soon after.
Nightfall came soon as the squires start to pack up and enter their rooms excluding Lieutenant Squires and Captain Squire which stay up on patrol with their commanding night. Tonight Mariah has Patrol duties with Cyrus and she could not wait for it. She loved doing patrols with him they taught live remanence about little things, thing that escaped the luxury of the forever Knights.
Pacing back and forth in front of her post she kept gazing at the clock waiting for Cyrus. 20 minutes pass he wasn’t there which began to make her worry until she heard a voice, “Hello Lady Maria.” It wasn’t Cyrus, nervousness clung to her like leeches as she saw Driscoll with a Sinister grin slathered on his face.
“ tonight supposed to be me and Cyrus, why are you here?” something was wrong. The order of partnered Knights never changed once the sign.
“ it seems like got hit up with a back catalogue of paperwork, I swore he was more dedicated to his work but it looks like something skipped over his head.” His small irritated her, giving him the finger she went back to her post. However before she can put your hand down Driscoll already had her hand in his grasp her middle finger still extended.
“ that’s not very ladylike Maria, you may be able to pull this with Cyrus however don't think I'm lenient with my allies.” His grasp apply pressure making sure she stood in place. Not to hurt, but to show her his strength. “Yes sir…” she glared.
“Good, now that we got that unpleasant encounter out-of-the-way let's start our Patrol.” His once. Cold Stern missing features melted away into a friendly and soft face. If you like dr. Jekyll and mr. Dick head? She thought. They began their patrol her first night Patrol without Cyrus.

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