Part 14 Crossover Pt 4

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The following day Driscoll wandered the training ground, watching the students practice. Something was uneasy. The guy Alphonse definitely had an eerie feeling about him. Also he didn’t like how he hand Maria, the fact that she got the best of her irritating him. All of the sudden the students froze in place gazing at the entrance. His eyes follow to see Mariah with her chaperone of Ben and Alphonse. Great. He thought.
“ what can I do for you?” Driscoll said. His voice was flat.
“ I came over to see what we were dealing with, Ally wise. I am definitely unamused. The very fact that you still have Squires that mean simple training like this is baffling and quite unsettling.” Mariah said with a look of concern.
“ I don’t think you understand, you see we train our Squires to be prepared for the worst outcome but we also train them repeatedly to understand how to handle their weapons. Muscle memory is important.” Driscoll said.
“ so basically you are compensating for your weakness I mean technically you have no magic you got few sci-fi weapons here but nothing new to the table.” Ben said.
“ maybe you would like to demonstrate?” Driscoll body tightened.
“ is Magic allowed?” Been asked.
“ for you, go ahead.” Driscoll smiled.
The two men walked into the arena at the students cleared the way. Mariah felt nervous Whispering into Alphonse, “Do you think he'll be okay?” Alphonse laughed a bit. Mariah’s concern was adorable. “ if he has learned anything with me he should be fine but, Driscoll is a veteran so it could be a hit or miss.” Alphonse said sitting next to her his arm wrapped around her.
Cyrus and Maria walk the hallways of the main Courtyard until they heard students yelling about a sparring about to take session, the two of them fell into curiosity that they follow suit with the students to see Driscoll and Ben in the arena getting fitted with padding.
“Um Cyrus is this going to be okay?” Maria asked.
“ well at least they're wearing padding, also it looks like he’s not facing off with Alphonse. He’s facing The Bookworm. Let's just sit back and see what happens.” Cyrus grew a smile.
“You want to see if he loses huh…typical.” She laughed.

Driscoll and Ben Circle each other for a bit. The arena stood silent waiting for one of the Titans to make their move while Driscoll wielded a javelin like weapon, Ben wielded too short swords. Driscoll broke the tension charging at Ben however Ben reacted quickly using a spell to send him flying into the air. Driscoll maneuvered his body correctly the Catapult himself downward with his weapons ready. Ben rolled away from the attack allowing Driscoll to strike a hard Landing onto the ground shaking it. The two locked eyes once more. “This is fun” Mariah said surprising Cyrus and Maria. Somehow she snuck behind them without triggering their senses.
“You think so?” Maria asked.
“I know so.” Mariah smirked.

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