Chapter 18: an excessiy long epilouge

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Four Months later

"Katherine I am not wearing a dress."
She groaned "Emerson you have too. It's a party."

"So what if it's party, I can dress nice without wearing a dress."

We were sitting in her room arguing over what I was going to be wearing to Pulitzer's New Years Eve gala.

"What are you gonna wear then? A suit?"
I shrugged "Sure. A suit would be better than a dress."

She sighed and fell back onto the bed.
"How would Davie feel if you wore a suit?"
I shrugged "We can ask him."

She stood up "Okay let's go ask him." 

A few rooms away Davie and Jack were with the rest of the boys as they were getting fitted for suits.

This event was apparently huge, and all the newsies were going.

"Hey Davie we have a question." Katherine announced as we entered.

"Okay? What is it?"
"Would you care whether or not Em was wearing a dress to the party?"

He glanced at me, and I tried to give him a pleading look.
"I don't care what she wears, she looks beautiful no matter what."

I felt my face flush. "Thank you Davie."
He grinned.

Katherine sighed and turned to me, "Okay fine you win."

"Bad news."
I looked up from the book I was reading.
"What is it?"

Katherine tucked a hair behind her ear, god damn it she was still cute.

"The tailor we had making the suits for the boys, he uh, he is refusing to make one for you."

"God Damn it. Are youse serious?"
She nodded "Unfortunately, I really would've like to see my father's face when you came in wearing a suit."

I brought the book up and smacked my face with it.  "Well I suppose we gotta pick a dress den."

"Yes I suppose we do!"
I glared at her "Don't get too excited."

Eventually I headed back to the lodging house, through the cold.

"Hey where were youse? We finished like an hour and a half ago." Jack said as soon as I entered.

"Katherine had ta wait till youse were all done to talk to the tailor an' den dat took awhile."

I threw my jacket onto my bunk and headed back out to the main room, sitting down at the poker table.

As Finch dealt me into the game, Jack gave me a look.

"Is that what really happened?"

I glanced at my cards, decent hand.
"Relax man I'm not doin ya goil."
The remark sent everyone into fits of laughter.

Jack just rolled his eyes "Whatever. Man. At least I ain't da goil who is refusin to wear a dress to a party."

"Is ya sayin you wouldn't mind takin me place? Ya would look real nice in one a dose dress Katherine was showin me." I laughed.

Another round of laughter went around the room and Jack glared at me.
I smirked back, knowing I had won.

"Ooo what about this one for you?"

A large poofy pink dress was shoved at me.
"Are you serious?"

Katherine sighed. "Yeah your right. Pink is not your color."
She put it back on the rack the seamstress had wheeled in.

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