Chalter 17: The bitch is back (not the elton john somg)

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Davie practically ran at me, nearly tackling me in a hug.

"Ow Davie! Gentle, Already busted my arm dont need ya bustin da odder one."

He quickly pulled away, holding me at arms length for a moment before practically exploding.

"Where were you? I was so worried! I thought I lost you! Do you realize how much you scared us? What were you thinking? I told you not to go with her!"

I smiled "I missed you too."

"No! Dont even! We all thought you ran! And skipped town! Again! Because apparently it's happened before! And then you made no show of anything! Where were you? Was it the girl from the east side? Do you have any idea how much anxiety this gave me? You- wait. Did you say you busted your arm?"

I nodded and held up the sling his mother had made me.

"Believe it or not I didn't actually want to go missing for a week and a half."
"They busted your arm!"

It sounded more like a statement than a question. 

"Yeah, and my ankle."
He pulled me into his arms again, this time more carefully.
"Tell me what happened."

Slowly I told him everything that happened, from the moment I said goodbye to him that night to right before he entered the room.
"- And I'm really really sorry I kissed someone else. I don't know what happened Davie. I swear I'm sorry. It wont happen again, I- I just- I don't know what happened. I'm sorry. Please dont be mad."
Small tears rolled down my cheeks.

Davie just looked at me for a moment.
"Why would I be mad?"

I sniffled "Cause I kissed someone that isn't you. And thats not right."

His gaze softened "Em, I would never be mad at you because of something like that. You made a mistake and thats okay. Why would I be mad at you for that?"

I wiped the tears off my face with my sleeve and leaned my head back against the wall, "Because it was wrong and I shouldn't have done it, and," bigger tears rolled down my  face cutting me off.

My eyes squeezed shut, hoping to stop the flow. I heard Davie sigh slightly.

An arm wrapped around my waist and he carefully pulled me into his lap, gathering me in his arms. I buried my head in the crook of his neck as the tears slowly tapered off. He started rubbing small circles into my back.

"I'm never going to be mad at you because of something like that Em." Davie whispered.

"It, it's happened before, so i figured."

He didn't say anything else, just held me tighter.
We sat there for a while, and I was content just listening to his heart beat.

"Oh I have an Idea!" Les exclaimed.
"What is it?"

We were headed toward the circulation gate, after I had stayed the night at the Jacobs. I held onto Davie as we walked, while limped in my case, using him to keep my balance. Les would run up the street and then run back to us.

"What if we act like you were never missing? Like we just pretend it's a normal day?"

I glanced up at Davie who shrugged.
"Uh maybe not."
He shrugged and continued to run back up and down the street.

"Are you sure you want to sell today?"
"Yeah. I've done too much sitting around."

Davie sighed "You're literally struggling to walk right now."

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