Chapter 15: theyre here for two seconds but theyre all still short

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Though I didn't find out till after across the city the Manhattan lodging house had pretty much descended into chaos.

Davie had gone home when I hadn't come back, figuring by the time I would be done he'd have to be home.

When I never came back at all Jack had gotten worried but the boys calmed him down, telling him I was probably just in Brooklyn.

The next morning when Spot had strolled into the lodging house to see his boyfriends, they all asked where I had been and of course the answer was not in Brooklyn.
That is when things really started to get chaotic.

Jack started freaking out, which caused Crutchie and most of the other boys to freak out.

I'm told even Spot was freaking out a little.
Eventually Henry, of all people, managed to coral them enough to calm them down and get them to the circulation gate on time.

There once Davie and Les found out it was near hysterics all around.
Davie wanted to go to the police but Spot stopped him, saying that would just cause more problems.

None of them sold many papes that day cause they were all too focused on looking for me.
Apparently Davie was so distraught he didn't sell anything.

Jack ended up setting up a group of the boys to stay out looking for me.
Of course they found nothing.
I'm told as soon as Spot got back to Brooklyn he launched a full on search party.

I stayed on the ground cowering even after Spades had left.

Had I not been wearing this damn dress I would've been able to fight back but I was wearing it.
So I just laid on the ground, racked with pain, from bruises, cramps and little cuts.

Maybe I'll be able to get out of here.

The window was open a crack and I could feel a cold breeze on my skin.
I heard a knock on the main door.
Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Wes lookin for some one. A goil, short hair, led a strike a week ago."


"I ain't seen no goils." Spades, I think said.

"Are ya sure? Dave said sometin bout da East Side."

That was Spot for sure.
"I'm i-" I started to yell but the door opened and a hand clamped down over my mouth.

"Not a word." Isabella growled.

"What was dat?"
"Not sure, maybe some a da guys yellin, messin around."

I could hear the uncertainty in Spots voice as he spoke next "Well keep an eye out fa 'er."

I shoved Isabella off of me into the wall and attempted to get to the door but she got up fast and grabbed me again.

I tried to kick at her but the damn dress stopped me.

Eventually I managed to get her off of me and make it to the door. I ran through the house but Spot and Hotshot were already gone.

Someone caught me by the waist and dragged me back into the house.

"Let go of me!"
Without thinking I reared my head back, slamming it into their nose.
I heard a slight cracking noise and jammed my elbow into their chest.

That was enough to get them to drop me and I took off running again.
"After her!"

Outside the house I quickly glanced around, I could see Spot and Hotshot turning the corner.
I started to sprint down the street.

"Hey! I-" I started to yell but someone tackled me into the ground.
They didn't even turn at my yelling.

My face slammed into the ground momentarily before I was dragged up again.
No passersby paid any attention as they pulled me back into the house.

"What was that?"

"Like I said, I'm rescuing myself."

Isabella laughed "Some rescue."

I spit blood at her. "I've been workin wit what I got."
She glared at me.
"Interesting. Well, I would let Spades atcha again, but I don't want to wreck your pretty face. So I will leave you to think about what your doing, and to consider my offer."
The door closed and she was gone again.

I ended up in the bathroom, doing my best to patch myself up.

It wasn't the best job, but it was good enough.
I need a plan to get the hell out of here, and to stop Isabella from kidnapping me again.

"Will you accept yet?"

I shook my head. "Still gonna have to pass on dat one sweetheart."

Isabella pouted.
"One day I will earn your favor, whether through romance or you agreeing because you don't want to be beaten anymore."

"Well you sure seem ta have one twisted concept a romance."
She smirked.

"I think I know love better than you do Em. I un like have been in love, and not just dating some boy with a tie."

I snorted "He aint just some boy wit a tie. He's nice an sweet an way better at the whole romance ting dan youse."

"We'll see about that."
She stood from where she was sitting and crossed then room to where I was sitting on the bed.

Smoothing her skirts she sat down in my lap, wrapping an arm around my neck.
Our faces were close together.
To close together.

"Come on. You have to feel something between us."
"Yeah. Air." I scoffed.

She moved, apparently no longer caring about looking proper, to be straddling my lap.
"Seems like more than air to me."

I could feel my face get beat red as she leaned closer and closer.

"Ise gonna give ya 10 seconds to get offa me or I break ya arm."

She backed off slightly but stayed on my lap.
"Make me."

I grabbed her forcefully by the arm and shoved her off of me. I got up and threw her across the room.

"Don't mess with me when I'm on my period." I growled.

Yet another beating.

At this point I completely lost all sense of time.
The days I was stuck in the East Side lodging house blended together.

Each day consisted of Isabella trying to 'seduce' me and Spades beating me when I refused.
Everytime I fought back it would just get worse.
"Isabella I have a new proposition for you."

She smirked, raising an eyebrow.
"Interesting, what is it?"

I took a deep breath "We fight, you and me, one on one, hand to hand. If I win I go home and you never bother me or my burrough again."

A slight gleam ran through her eyes.
"And if you lose?"

I paused mentally preparing to myself.
"If I lose I will stay 'ere and be your 'queen' forever."

She grinned "Deal."
"Oh and I get a pair of pants for the fight."

"You drive a hard bargain."

"Do we have a deal."
Slowly her hand extended "Deal, tomorrow, after the work day."

We shook.
And for the first time, it seemed like I had a way out of there.

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