Chapter Two: I get into a fight with a demon (jk its just my brother)

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Chapter Two: I get into a fight with a demon (jk it's just my brother)

Les raced ahead of us egear to get home.

"So whats with you and Race? Are you like dating or something?"
I snorted "Oh no quite the opposite. Racer, well hes like my brother. All of them are, Everyone is, except Jack."

"Isn't he your actual brother?"
I sighed "Technically? Yes. But it doesn't seem that way anymore."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, Life i suppose. Anyway about me and Race he's the brother I'd rather have. The one who actually looks out for me, or rather I look out for him."
"Your kind of like they're leader aren't you?"

"No even Jack gets the credit for that. Im the one that keeps them fed, keeps them clothed and on time. But He get the credit cause hes the one who takes blame for things. You know how i was talkin bout how he left me in the refuge?"
"He wasn't spoused to be there. It'd been a rough couple weeks, I nabbed some food for the boys that's all. He took the blame, which seems nice but Snyder took me in too. He got out, got the fame and left me there for a few months.
You know my name aint even Alex or Alexandria."
Davie looked at me confused.
"Jack thought that it would be better to use that instead of my real name or even a masculine version, so most everyone thinks its my real name."

"Why would he do that, shouldn't it be your choice?"
I nodded.

"What is your real name?"
"I Like that."
I blushed.
"Am i allowed to call you that? It could be a guys name."

"If youse want to, I'd kind of like that. And ise sorry for goin on bout dis. I needed it off my chest."
"Its perfectly fine, i understand"

"Here we are." We had reached the house.
Les ran inside.
"Ma, we're home!" He yelled.
Davie held the door open for me.
"And You brought company?" Mrs. Jacobs asked as i stepped into the house.

I smiled.
"Ma this is Emerson Kelly, Shes a newsie."

Les looked at me confused. I shook my head denying an explanation.

"Its nice to meet you dear, I wasn't aware girls could be newsies." 
I stepped forward "Technically no. Uh its a long story. But essentially no one can know cause they'll take me away."

"She's worried her hair is getting to long and that people are gonna catch on. I told her you could cut it cause you cut ours."

Mrs. Jacobs gave me a sympathetic look. "Oh of course i help you dear.'
I smiled  "Thank you mam."

"There you are dear. Back to looking like... well like a newsboy."
"Thank you Mrs. Jacobs, how can i repay you?"
"Oh never mind that dear just look out for my boys if you can."

"Thank you again Mrs. Jacobs, i best be going now."
She smiled "Goodbye dear."

I headed out the door past where Davie was sitting on the porch.
"Hey let me walk you home."
He said standing up.
"If you must."
He smiled and started walking next to me.

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