Chapter Thirteen: I might have made a deal with Satan

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I woke up to three very annoying things.

The first was Jack poking me.

The second was Albert and Race arguing.

The third was cramps.


"What do you want?" I groaned rolling over and burying my head in my pillow.

"Get up, wes gonna be late cause a you."

"What if I want to be late?"

"Doesn't matter, get dressed."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, trying to ignore the flaring pain in my abdomen.

"Seriously getta move on."

I glared at my brother, "I'm working on it." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh. this again."

Once again I rolled my eyes.  "Dont 'oh. This again' it happens every month, it has for the last 5 years get used to it." I said as I made my way to the bathroom.

Everyone continued to be loud and annoying as I got ready.

"Is it just me or youse extra annoying dis morin, makes me wanna jump off the roof." I followed them out the door.

Everyone lined up at the gate as usual.

Only a week had passed since the strike but things were already back to normal.

I didn't pay as much attention to the headline as I did to keeping a straight face through the pain of the cramps.

The gate opened and I followed the boys into the square.

As I stood in line a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Good morning."

I turned and looked up at Davie before leaning my head against his chest.

"I have decided I'm gonna throw myself off the roof of the lodging house today." I mumbled.


Jack walked past "Shes just whiny cause shes on her period."

I didn't hesitate to turn and slap him. "Shut up!"

"Ow! What did I do? All I did was say why ya bein weird!"

"That is why I slapped you."

He just shrugged and walked away.

"Remind me to kill him later."

Davie just looked at me for a moment.  "Don't you always try to kill him anyway?"

I shrugged. "Not as much normally."

I turned and quickly paid for my papes, grabbing them from Morris.

We sat on the wagon and I flicked through the pages.

One of Davie's arms wrapped around me, and I shifted to lean into him a little.

However in doing so I got an even worse cramp and winced a little.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah fine, just cramps, I'll live."
I ignored his look of concern.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I slid off the wagon as the rest of the guys started out of the square, and immediately regretted it, barely holding in a groan of pain.


"I'm fine Davie."

He grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers.
"I just don't want to see you hurt Em, I feel bad."

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