Chapter Five: Brooklyn! There all Still Short

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Soon as we crossed the bridge a bunch of the boys came out of nowhere.

"Heya Slick how's ya sista? We've gotta see Spot its important."
Slick glared at me "Werent you just here?"

"Yeah but now its something more important!" Race said getting in his face.

"Why i otta."

Slick was about to swing at Race when i jumped between them.
"Ladies, Ladies as funny as it would be to see you fight, i dont thin Spot would like a couple a Hatten kids beaten Brooklyn boys on his terf."

"If you wasnt a goil youd have a black eye." Slick said turning to me.
"Dont let that bother ya jack!"

HE swung hard and i jumped out of the way.
"Oh youse really done it now. Oh your gonna get it forsure!" Albert yelled.

I pulled off my cap and handed it to him "Here. Dont want it gettin dirty."

Slick swung again and i ducked down slamming into his stomach.
While he was dazed i got another punch in before he lunged at me.
The fight only lasted a few minutes and he only managed to land 3 punches to my 10 or so.

"Hey! Thats enough!"
I looked up at the sound of Spots voice just to get nailed in the eye.

"Slick back off!" He yelled.
Slick backed away slowly.

"That wasn't any way to treat our guest. And Emerson, you know better than to beat on my boys."

"He had it coming." I said as i pulled my cap back from Albert who along with Race was already losing his mind over seeing Spot again.
Spot looked at them for a moment and panic almost showed on his face.

"Can i talk to you in private, now?"
I nodded and we ended up behind a wall.
"Why the hell did you bring them here?" Spot frantically whisper yelled.

I shrugged "It seemed like a good idea to me."
"What am i supposed to do? I don't know how to talk to guys! What if I mess something up? What if I make him think I hate him?"

"Well standing behind a wall for an extended amount of time with a girl might seem a little suspicious."

He quickly jerked out from behind the wall.
"Okay this way we can talk business inside."
We followed him into the Brooklyn lodging house.

"Oh come on you know I wouldn't run if theres trouble. I wouldnt give up!"
Spot laughed "Its Jack im worried about."
"Come on you know i can keep him from running."

"I need him to keep himself from running."
I rolled my eyes and stood up "Fine. I'm going to the bathroom. Maybe youse can use the time to finally figure something out. "
All of them gave me looks of protest. God they were so oblivious.

"Deal with it. Maybe you finally actually get somewhere."
As I left I couldn't help but snicker to myself.
Looking in the bathroom mirror i could see that my eye was already swelling and turning black.


I went back into the meeting room where they were all hugging.

"So you finally figured something out? Good. Come on we've got to get back before sundown." They all quickly broke apart.

"Oh yeah sorry. Have a good night Race, Albert you too." Spot said.

I couldn't help but laugh as I dragged Them out of there. Both kept turning back to look at Spot at the end of the hall.
They were all practically making heart eyes at each other.

"So what's the scoop? Did youse finally figure something out?"
Albert giggled "yeah."
"We said, I gots two hands one for each of em so now Wes all datin each other." Race said proudly.
I smiled "took you long enough."

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