Kyoshi Island

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kyoshi island


Weeks had passed since Saria's separation from Zuko and Iroh, whom she had lost hope of ever seeing again. Rather than search for them, Saria left the North Pole and travelled through the Earth Kingdom alone in search of her real mother's hometown, gaining small memories along the way. Despite having no experience with living off the earth, Saria felt the safest she had ever felt in her life. Since her true identity had been revealed to her, she felt more in touch with nature. She could feel when it was in pain or when it was happy, like it was calling out to her as its protector.

Saria's search for Kyoshi Island had been difficult, for she had never been to the Earth Kingdom without accompanying Zuko and she didn't have a map to go off of. Fortunately, along the way of her journey, Saria met a group who called themselves the Freedom Fighters. They offered her food, a map and a place to stay with them for the time being. 

After a few weeks, the fighters sat around the fire, singing a happy tune amongst them. One of the Freedom Fighters, Jet and Saria sat away from them, looking up at the moon together.

"Why don't you come to Ba Sing Se with us? We can find someone who can get you to Kyoshi Island faster than if you walked there." Jet spoke softly. Saria turned her head to look at him, and met his eyes, which sparkled in the moonlight.

"I can't get distracted by big cities. Besides, you have them to think about too." She pointed at the kids around the fire with her head, a sad smile creeping onto her face. She had enjoyed her time with the Freedom Fighters, and formed a strong bond with their leader, Jet. 

Jet sighed and returned his gaze to the full moon above them, Saria doing the same. As she stared at it, her mind wandered to the girl whom she had met in the spirit oasis at the Northern Water Tribe. 

Saria knew just by looking at the moon, which was back to its usual brightness, that Yue made a sacrifice that night in order to restore the balance that Zhao broke. She closed her eyes, imagining the white-haired girl swimming harmoniously in the pond as a koi before she felt Jet's hand resting on hers.

"Jet, we've talked about this."

"I know, I know. Completely platonic, I promise." The boy smiled at her and removed his hand before standing up, stretching his body as he did so. "I'm going to sleep, will we see you tomorrow?"

Saria looked up at him. She knew he was handsome, and knew that he liked her, but she couldn't break her walls around someone she barely knew. She was dedicated to her mission of discovering what her destiny was, and who she truely was. She couldn't burden Jet with her own problems. 

Saria nodded at him, turned back towards the moon and whispered a silent prayer to Yue. After she made sure everyone was asleep, Saria snuck around their camp in search for some parchment and a pen, and wrote her friends a note.

Freedom Fighters

Thank you, and goodbye for now.

Your friend always,


After grabbing her belongings, Saria disappeared into the night, leaving the Freedom Fighters behind.

Over the next two weeks, Saria continued to travel South, living a life of hitchhiking and stealing. She was forced to learn survival tactics she had never been taught in the Fire Nation, and she learned to live off the land she listened to. She was a fugitive.

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