"I DIDN'T—"


    "I DIDN'T MEAN—"


    "Why can't we be friends?" Nick continued to sing in the background with Karl joining in this time. George was humming along, but his mic was muted and his soft voice wasn't picking up on either of our mics over the screaming.





    "NO, WRONG—"

    "Why can't we be friends?" The boys continued to sing.

    "Guys—" Captain tried to interrupt again.

    "I'm starting the game!" Scott boomed.

    "YOU'RE FUCKING DYING FIRST!" Clay yelled at me.

    "I'M A BAD BITCH, YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" I responded right before we all muted our mics when the game started.

    As soon as I saw impostor flash on my screen with the lime green body, we immediately shut up and gave each other looks. I didn't bother scooting away from him and George sensed right away what was going on as our screaming abruptly stopped.

    "No, don't," he pleaded as we both came chasing after him.

    "I'll get him, you get the child," he told me.

    I nodded my head and ran to find Tommy. The only other child was Tubbo but he'd be with Captain. Plus, if we keep Wilbur alive but kill Tommy, we could push sus on him as he always targets Tommy first.

    "I've got him."

    "Self report, I got George," Clay whispered as if we had to continue hiding it from George. I reported Tommy's body and the title screen popped up. 

    "Well it can't be the captain," Tubbo said with a smile in his voice.

    "Okay, Cal's still alive and so is Dream, so neither of them can be imposter or they would've killed each other," Scott thought he was big-braining.

    "Call them out Sapnap," George whispered at his screen.

    "I bet it's Wilbur. He always kills Tommy first," Karl spoke.

    "I don't know man, I have sus on both Dream and Cal," Sap said softly. He got drowned out by everyone speaking at once.

    "No one saw anything and we're all just blaming each other, so let's just skip for now," Wilbur suggested.

    "It's a bit sus of you to be jumping on skipping," Shelby hummed.

    "I'm glad the child's dead, but it's not me!"

    "Let's skip but keep sus on Wilbur," Scott said.

    "I'll skip but I'm telling you, sus on Dream and Cal," Sap admitted but again, no one seemed to listen to him. I felt a bit bad for that.

    The round went by smoothly as we were really good at working together. It's a good thing too, because we suck at working together on Minecraft when we're splitting the controls. Sapnap raged at the end when they all found out it was Dream and I together. He claimed that he knew me too well and called sus on me straight from the get-go. Everyone else just thought it was ironic that the game paired us together.

    "Alright, Cal and I are gonna log off. We're getting tired," Clay said when the hype surrounding our round had calmed down.

    "Yeah, I'm getting tired too, it's, uh, very late in England so," George lied.

    "Yeah, I'm about to fall asleep, I'm going to head off too," Tubbo said.

    "I have college tomorrow and I've already woken my mum up," Tommy whispered.

    Eventually, we all decided to call it a night as the entire British crew as well as Dream and I were clocking out for the night. The three of us had an elaborate discussion about the games we played before heading up to our rooms. I waved George goodnight as Clay and I retreated to our room.

    Right before we put our phones on charge for the night, I checked my Twitter notifications and noticed the entire crew from tonight—except for Shubble who already had talked to me and followed me over a year back—had followed me. I followed them all back, then noticed a tweet from Tommy where I'm pretty sure he was subtweeting me.

        @TommyInnit: I don't like Americans

        @CalPal: @TommyInnit you're just mad i big brained you

    Clay and I chuckled about it and I locked my phone before seeing the responses. We cuddled up to each other and fell asleep pretty much immediately.

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