I need you.

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"White lips, pale face - breathing in snowflakes, burnt lungs, sour taste, light's gone - days end, struggling to pay rent, - long night's, strange men. And they say, she's in the class A-Team, stuck in her day dreams, been this way sice 18 but lately her face seems, slowly sinking wasting, crumbling like pastries. They scream, the worst thing's in life come free to us." 

That song woke me up, and I was tired, so tired. I didn't even bother to look at the caller I.D, I just picked up, "Hello?" I whispered into the speaker. "Delilah?" A deep brittish accent answered, I figured it was Zayn, my cousin. "Zayn, it's 4 in the freaking morning. What do you want?" I whisper-yelled, I didn't want to wake Lauren up, since she was deep asleep laying curled up into a ball on the floor next to me. "Look, im on my way to your flat. I'll be there in 10." He simply answered before hanging up on me. I know him, and he wouldn't just come over in the middle of the night to talk about puppies, so something must be seriously wrong. He knows, that I hate when people call me when im asleep. So I got up, carefully not to wake up my snoring friend. "Zayn? No Zayn, don't leave me!" She yelled, I looked at her. She was obviously dreaming about Zayn, and I knew she liked Zayn, she just never admitted it, and he doesn't even get the hints. I tipy-toed out of the room and made my way downstairs. I put my hair up into a ponytail, and looked for something to drink in the fridge. I decided on some coke, I guessed this would be a long night.

The Doorbell rang, I rushed to it, I doubted that Lauren would still be asleep after Mr. Maliks dramatic 4 o'clock entrance. I opened the door and all I saw was Zayn rushing to his car and getting a suitcase out of it. "Would you please tell me what's going on here?" I yelled at him. He looked at me and simply asked "You love me, right?" I rolled my eyes at his question, "Of course I love you, you Butthole of a Cousin." I said smiling lightly, I couldn't stay mad at him for any longer. "Than, please let me explain everything okay?" You could literally hear the sadness in his voice. Now I could actually see how hurt he was, his hair was all messy, all he had on was a hoodie and old sweats, and he had dark circles under his eyes. "What's going on, zaynie?" I asked him, petting the spot next to me on the floor. He sat down next to me. "Louis and me got into a huge fight and than Niall couldn't mind his own freaking business and got involved, than Liam tried to relax us all, but that just made me even more mad. You know me, I don't like it when people try to calm me down.." I was so shocked, all I could do is keep nodding at everything he says. The boys getting into a fight, a big one too? I couldn't believe it. He continued, "And then Louis got all mad and yelled at me saying that I need to calm my arrogant ass." I could feel my jaw drop, I could've never imagined Louis saying that, to anyone. 

"Delilah?" A voice yelled from upstairs. "Downstairs", I simply answered. I gave Zayn the we're-not-done-here look and he just nodded. I could hear footsteps, and suddenly a totally sleepy Lauren was standing in front of us, blushing. "Hey Zayn." She said looking down, Zayn smiled warmly and answered with a "Hello there, sleepy-head." She just walked into the kitchen. I was thinking about just telling Zayn that my best friend is hopelessly in love with him, but I couldn't, that's their conflict, not mine. Lauren came back, and dissapeared upstairs again, without saying a word, I guess to give us more privacy. Zayn looked even more dissapointed now. "Why'd you guys fight in the first place, Lou and You?" He looked at me, than at the floor. "Because of Eleanor." I got angry, "What das El have anything do to with this?" I looked at him. He was shocked at the tone of my voice. "She said she loves me!" He yelled at me. I wouldn't believe him, I just couldn't. His eyes widened, "Look, you got it wrong, I don't love her, she's my best lad's girlfriend, and totally not my type!" I raised an eyebrow, I knew that El was exactly his type, and so did he, but I doubt that he loves her. "Okay, that sure is a good reason for Louis to be mad." I said, Zayn nodded as response. I felt bad for Louis and Zayn, Louis girlfriend apparently just told one of his best friends that she loves him, and he probably doesn't even know who to believe, and than there's Zayn, having to deal with Eleanor, the drama that is caused by only those 3 words, and torn about what to do or say. 

"Look, there's another thing, they kicked me out for a while, because they think I lied." He said, pointing at his suitcase. He got up, and stretched his hand out to help me up. "May I live with you guys for a while?" He asked giving me the puppy eyes because he knows I get weak everytime he does that. I smiled lightly at him, "Yes, you may." I hugged him, and I could quietly whisper a 'thank you, Del.' I giggled, "Well, his should be an adventure." I said, and he joined my giggling and nodded. 


Well, on the side is a picture of Delilah, guys.

Author's note timeeeee. Okay, let me know if you like it or not, okay? :3 - It actually took me a time to get this Chapter done, I wanted to get some positive feedback or at least over 50 reads, well, I have the feeling that's not going to happen.. haha. Well, if you hatedit, please give me some reasons so I can improve those the next chapters I'll write soon. Oh, and thank you so much to whoever is going to read it, I really do appreaciate every single read, just letting you guys know. Okay, my little dolls, Im letting you go, for now - mwahaha, >:D neeeever mind.

- im weird, I know. If you read the author's note, thanks babe! Well, blah blah blah, no one will read this, but IF you read it & liked it, please, share the story, or talk about it, hehe. Love you, my lovely dolls(: I hope you guys like this, yeah, I know I repeat myself, but I just really hope someone will read this and of course the first chapter and stuff.. Well, okay. 

- fan me, message me, share this. ♥

- like it? love it? hate it? - let me know, please. 

Okay, time's over with author's noteeee. 

- Bye bye, Dollie's ! (:

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