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*Part three of chapter 19: Devil's Corner
-video above: Jazmine Sullivan @Aretha Franklin Tribute singing "I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You"
Absolutely doesn't relate to the chapter but it was my inspiration for this chapter. Enjoy❤️

I think from now on that I'm gonna dedicate a song or work to a few chapters of mine.
So be on the lookout.. I guess? Maybe I'll make a playlist with these songs after I finish the book. Enjoy!

Isabelle's POV

My brain told me to scream, but my instincts said this person wasn't gonna harm me. If they intended on kidnapping me or something, then wouldn't they have covered my mouth?

I spun around to see the boy from earlier displaying  the biggest grin I've ever seen in my life.

"Dude, what are you doing?"

He shrugged, "I'm just tryna help you out. You not from around here so you don't know this, but no one goes that way. You were running to your death, little lady."

"I feel as if I'm older than you. I wouldn't have ran to my death if someone could've kindly told me how to get the hell away from here. Just do me a solid and I'll repay you later," I pleaded.

"My name is Lucky and you just got lucky. Let's go," he paused, "And don't ever come here again, ok? It ain't safe for lil school girls like you."

"Very offensive, dude but okay," I agreed.
"Sorry not sorry," he said.

He guided me, leading me to the places I'd already been. We stumbled upon the orange cat I'd seen earlier and the destitute street with no lamplights.

"So what's so bad about where I was running to?" I asked.

I couldn't help it. They say curiosity killed the cat, but I don't think that ever happened; rather, I think that curiosity was going to kill me.

"Don't worry bout it. The less you know, the better," he said.

"Ugh. You're absolutely no fun. At least tell me the name of where I am."

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, "I'll give you the rundown but I'm only doing it once so listen quietly and carefully. This is Devil's Corner and you're more than blessed that you weren't kidnapped and sold or made out to be someone's girl. You're more than blessed to have met me. Devil's Corner is not a safe place to stumble upon; stuff you can't even imagine happens over there. Quit asking about that place and forget about it; it's the best thing for you to do."

"But I don't want to," I argued.
"You're as stubborn as they come," he replied.

"Of course I am, so just tell me what that stuff means. Why do you stay at that place if you despise it so much?"

He resumed walking, "Because I can't leave. Now hush. I don't know you so I'm not gonna tell you my life story."

We walked in silence after his remark. A-hole! I'm just trying to understand but I guess it's in my best interest to just be quiet and let it go.

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