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Chapter Seven: Secret Admirer

Isabelle's POV

I had the best sleep of my life last night after I ate my snacks and let my eyes drift off to anime. I didn't have any nightmares, I didn't think about what happened earlier, and I didn't dream about my past life. But now, I couldn't help but think that I'd repeated my past life in some way.

I mean, I had friends in this life and I wasn't afraid to stick up for myself, but I was still an outcast. What should I have done differently? I shook my head at my thoughts. I didn't regret taking this route. It was much better than my previous life.

I was ecstatic that my dad didn't abuse my mom & I was ecstatic I was best friends with the popular girl who wasn't a total snob, but could be a total slut. I said could. I'm extremely grateful for this second chance God bestowed upon me; I'd make the best of it.

I jumped up and caught my alarm clock before it had a chance to ring. I was already awake so I cut it off for the day. I went through my morning routine efficiently this morning which is something I don't do.

I looked into the bathroom mirror and oh my god! My face was glowing. I underestimated my rest— the sleep had been so great that I could no longer call it regular sleep. I had to call it "beauty rest" now.

I quit gawking at myself and hopped into the shower. I got out and brushed my teeth while crossing the threshold that divided my bedroom from my bathroom. So in other words, I had my bathroom built into my bedroom.

I never regretted them being that close because I liked to go into my bedroom to get dressed after a shower or bath. I picked a dark pair of ripped jeans and a plain white tee. I paired it with a silver and diamond encrusted infinity necklace with white low top converse. I felt like today would be a good day.

I moisturized and applied deodorant before I changed. I changed and sprayed on some perfume from Victoria Secret. I retrieved my backpack and stuffed it with my books and keys. I made the bed, cut the lights off and proceeded to go downstairs to the kitchen. I greeted my parents and they looked at me in shock.

I asked, "What? Is my shirt on backwards again?"

I started to check my shirt before my mom cut me off and responded, "No, we're just surprised that you're down early. You're always late coming down. Good morning, though."

My dad nodded his head at me, "Yea. What she said. Good morning, sweetness."

I shook my head at them. What is that shocking that I could wake up feeling great enough to get ready early? It actually felt nice.

I shrugged, "I had some great sleep so I woke up feeling energized enough to ready myself earlier than normal."

"Well that's great. Do you have a special request for breakfast?" She asked.

I replied, "Nope. The usual please, mom."

I waited on breakfast. To pass the time by, I texted Jen to see what was up and she was so happy that I wasn't dead. She could've just stopped by and checked on me, but I forgot that wasn't her style. Breakfast was ready now and I stuffed my face immediately. I looked up from my plate of waffles to see my parents looking at me, amused by me eating like I hadn't ate in years. I smiled widely with a mouthful of waffles, which made them laugh even more.

When we all finished breakfast, we still had extra time. I guess my parents morning schedule revolves around me. As I looked at them, I realized that they were so calm and looked too peaceful. I wanted to scream and scare them just for the hell of it, but I decided against it since they would probably question my sanity if I did so.

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