"Y/N, you seem like a nice girl, tell me, how did my son snag you?" Neil asked you rather forwardly as he took a beer from the fridge. You paused from laying the knives and forks, not even looking at the man after that question.

"Um, we're just friends. I just happened to have the locker beside his and so he's obliged to talk to me everyday." You tried to make a joke but Billy's father didn't even crack a smile.

Fortunately, that's when Billy returned. His hair sopping wet but he was now clean with fresh clothes.

"Go get your sister." Neil told him as he walked through the door.

"Max!" Billy called, however his father wasn't satisfied.

"I said, go get her."

Billy left and returned with his step-sister within a matter of seconds.

You all sat down; you sat beside Billy and opposite Max. You felt awkward as you made the table an odd number but you also felt awkward as you realised this wasn't something they'd do often. Sit down as a family and have dinner.

For the first few mouthfuls, everyone was silent, Billy wouldn't even look at you and Max was looking at you as if asking 'why the hell were you even there?'.

"How was your day, Maxine?" Susan finally broke the silence by talking to her daughter.

"it was fine." Max mumbled, pushing her food around her plate.

"What about you, Billy?" Susan faced Billy,

"Peachy." Billy said sarcastically, suddenly, Billy's father slammed his hand down on the table.

"What did I say about the attitude?" He barked, pointing his finger past you at Billy. Billy was silent. "Apologise to Susan." He demanded, Billy remained silent. You could almost see the older man's skin change colour as Billy tried his patience. "I said apologise to Susan!"

"I'm sorry, Susan." Billy said through gritted teeth.

"You'll have to excuse my son's manners." Billy's father directed this to you, and you just looked at him and looked back down.

You and Billy ate quickly during the meal and as soon as you were finished you made some excuse to go home.

"Thank you for dinner but I should really be getting home. I have an essay to do and I only came over here to give Billy some notes." You rose from the table and took your plate to the sink.

"It's no problem, dear." Susan stood with you and helped you take things to the kitchen counter top.

"Thank you for staying." Neil placed his hand on your shoulder as you made your way to the door.

"I'll drive you home, it's dark out anyways." Billy picked up his keys and held the door for you, meanwhile avoiding all eye contact with his father.

The car ride was painfully silent and when he finally pulled up outside your house, he spoke.

"Get out." He told you. You sighed and tried to explain yourself.

"Billy, I didn't mean to stay, I just wanted––"

"GET. OUT." Billy snapped, you scoffed and looked down at your hands in your lap. "Now."

You swung open the door and made sure you slammed it shut, Billy drove off with a screech from his tires and dust in your face.

"Asshole!" You yelled after him even thought he couldn't hear you.

The next morning, you headed to your locker to see Billy leaning against the lockers waiting for you. He pushed himself up when he saw you but you darted in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Y/N!" You rolled your eyes at the use of your last name.

You didn't answer.

"Hey! I'm talking to you." Billy caught hold of your wrist and spun you around to face him.

"What?!" You hissed, Billy pulled you to the side of the hall into a dip where the door to the janitors closet stood.

"I wanna make sure that what happened last night, stays in last night." Billy told you in a low voice, you scoffed at him and yanked your arm away from him.

"Is that seriously the only reason you wanted to talk to me? To talk at me? You honestly think I'm gonna go around telling everyone about your life. Newsflash, Billy, I'm not the type. So don't worry about threatening me." You shoved the boy hard in the chest and he staggered back a couple paces.

"Fuck you, Billy." You spat out as you walked away. He clenched his jaw and watched you walk off, stopping himself from sending his fist into the wall beside him. 

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