"Don't you dare hurt him!" Harry shouts and my captor laughs.

"Like you're gonna stop me?" He asks tauntingly.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I want to things. I want 100M from you Styles, and I want revenge."

"Okay, I'll give you the money, but please don't hurt Niall anymore." Harry cries and I cry more.

Harry is really willing to give this guy 100M just like that for me.

"I know you can, and I expect it in 3 days or you can say good bye to princess."

He says and Harry nods.

"Lou, Liam, go get this guy his money." Harry says and Louis and Liam nod and walk off camera.

"Well that's great and all, but I still want my revenge."


"Your father had the nerve to reject me, an experienced musician and singer, but will sign 16 year olds, who have no experience, but just want the thrill?" He sneers and Harry's eyes narrow.

"This is all happening because my father turned you down for a record label?" Harry asks and he nods.

"That's ridiculous!"

"Well I have your precious Niall so I suggest you listen to me." He says and walks over to me and holds my face in his hands.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Harry roars, but I just hear a chuckle and soon his lips are on mine.

They're cold and chapped, unlike Harry's warm soft lips. I struggle and cry but I can't move much, without burning and cutting my wrists from the ropes.

I can hear Harry crying and shouting my name, and I can feel my captor smirking into the kiss and he pulls away and I'm shaking from fear and lack of breath.

"You picked quite well Harry, he's quite the looker. I might have to keep him."

"No! I'll give you what ever money you need, please..." Harry says breaking down.

"Hmm...okay, you can have him back, if you can find him within the three days. I can't guarantee he's won't have experienced things in those three days."

"James, please don't hurt him. He doesn't deserve this." Harry says and James laughs.

"I know, but really it's your fathers fault he's here. He should've signed me. Poor princess just chose the wrong prince. You have three days." James says kissing me again, before ending the call abruptly.

I cry seeing Harry's face dissapear and James smiles at me.

"Well I should probably keep my promise."

"Please you don't have to, I'm sure I could help you!" I plead despratly, not wanting to have happen what I know is about to happen.

"Oh princess, I don't care about that anymore, I want to ruin Styles now. I want him to know what happend when he turns me down. I want him to feel the guilt, that his son's boyfriend won't be able to sleep without anyone thinking about me. I want him to think about how he possibly ruined his son's happiness. I want Styles Records to crumble, because of this story." James says with a sick smile, and I slump in defeat. I can't prevent it, and I know this very well could be the end.

I'll never tell Harry I love him.

I'll never be able to have a child.

I'll never graduate high school or go to university

I mean I've felt this before with Louis, but I never was this afraid. I never felt like I could really die. Not like this.

"Princess I'm not going to kill you. You're far to pretty..." He murmers and I start to fear not for my life, but for what will happen next.

"I hope your prince doesn't come, I would love to keep you as mine. Train you to submit to me and keep you my dark little secret forever." James whispers in my ear and I get shivers hearing him speak.

I close my eyes praying Harry comes in the three days.

"Princess, you want a taste of what's to come?"

OH MY LORD. THIS WAS ROUGH. JESUS CHRIST. I HOPE YOU'RE QUESTIONS WERE ANSWERED! Okay um... what did you think? I crying for Nialler, and I really wanted to just screw over my story planner and have Harry save Niall right then and there, but oh well. I hope you liked this update.



The Irish Exchange Student (Narry Storan)Where stories live. Discover now