Chapter 27

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I sure you all hate me because of last chapter so sorry! Umm... you won't find out why what happened last chapter happened... SORRY! You will in the next chapter though. I'm very very sorry and please don't hate me. Hope you like the chapter anyways.


We went out to dinner with Zayn at his favorite restaurant and we laughed and reminisce about old memories. We cried a little when it was all over knowing seeing eachother and keeping up our friendship would be much harder with one of our best friends across the ocean and in a differnt continent. We were determined to try though.

It's been about six hours since we dropped off Niall at my house, and I feel the need to go back to him, since we aren't usually apart for so long and I really need a good cuddle and to watch a movie with him.

Everyone is starting to get tired from all the excitement, so Louis is taking Liam home, and Zayn is dropping me off at home.

"I'm going to miss ya Zayn." I tell him as we drive back to my house.

"I'm going to miss ya too buddy. I'll keep in contact with you so much you won't get to miss me though." He says and I laugh.

"You better come up and visit. I need my Zayn." I say.

We're about an half hour from my house, and I figure I should call Niall.

It rings, and it goes to his voice mail, which is weird since we always pick up the phone for each other. We don't have to very often, but it's like a unspoken agreement.

"That's strange..." I say and Zayn shrugs.

"Maybe he fell asleep. Travel is pretty tiring." I nod, but I'm still unsure of why he woundn't answer his phone. Maybe he left it in another room? Maybe he did just fall asleep.

I guess I'm pretty tired so I'm sure he is too.

We get into my driveway and I sprint to the door, fumbling for my keys anxious to see Niall even if it's only been a few hours.

I finally get the door to open and I give Zayn a big long hug, which he returns and I say goodbye and walk inside and close the door behind me.

The house is really quite so I guess he really was asleep, which calms me a lot.

Maybe I'll just climb into bed with him and cuddle him while he sleeps. We don't have school since theres meetings, so I could spend the whole day cuddling with my boyfriend and being cute with him.

I get to my room and the door is open, and we usually don't keep it open when we sleep, but maybe he was tired. I walk in and Niall's not in the room, but he could be in the home theater, and he just fell asleep watching a movie? I don't hear the TV but maybe it's just a low volumn.

His bags are dropped in the middle of the room which is weird wince he is slightly OCD, but I am a bit too, so it works.

I run to the home theater, but he's not in there either. My car was in the driveway, so he hasn't gone anywhere, and if he had he would have picked up his phone. I start to panic a little, hoping he isn't hurt or lost. I call him again, and I can hear the ringing of his phone.

I rush upstairs to where the ringing is, and I run to my room, to see his phone illuminated next to his bag, with my name flashing on the screen.

I feel myself hyperventilating and I try to stay clam, having a sinking feeling in my gut. I call Liam, who doesn't pick up and I start to panic more. I call Louis who picks up on the third ring and I let out a sign of relief.

The Irish Exchange Student (Narry Storan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora