Chapter 4

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So that was The Harry Styles. He was actually pretty nice. I thought he would be a bit snobby-er or like Louis, but he helped me when Louis pushed me into the lockers, and he insisted that he carry my books for me until Liam could help me again. He's also quite attractive, not that I would have a chance with him, or would want one. He doesn't know me yet, he might be like Louis.

I'm supposed to go to the field since Liam has practice today, but I don't want to ask Harry to bring all my things to the field since it's quite a walk.

I hear the bell ring signaling not only the end of Musical Composition, but the end of school. Harry is right next to my desk, like all the other classes already grabbing my books.

I try and stop him by putting my hand on the books, but I accidently put my hand on top of his.

I immediatly pull my hand to my chest and I blush furiously. He also seems to blush? Could he? No, surely I'm not his type.

"So is Liam going to take you home?" Harry asks.

"Err no, he haas footie practice today, so I'm going to go there and probably do some homework, since I don't play, but I'm staying with Liam, so I have to go and watch." I ramble sit embarrassed from earlier.

"Oh! Cool, I'll walk you down. I forgot there were practices today!" Harry exclaims.

"Are you on the team? I don't want to make you walk all the way there if you don't need to."

"Louis is on the team, and sometimes I'll go watch him practice." He says. Then reality hits me again, that his boyfriend and my bully is on the team.

I nod and he smiles grabbing my books, while I grab some of my music sheets and we walk out together, but Louis is already at the entry, and at least to me he seems pissed.

"Hey Lou," Harry says leaning in for a kiss. Louis kisses him back quite roughly for a moment before pulling back.

"Where were you two going?" He asks and he narrows his eyes at me. Harry glares at him before replying,
"We're going to watch your practice."

"Okay, lets go Harry. Horan can manage alone." Louis says pulling on Harry's wrist. Harry yanks it back and frowns at Louis.

"No Lou, I told him I would walk down with him today since he's hurt."

"Fine! Call me when you're done shagging him, and you realize he's nothing compared to me." Louis yells and stomps away.

I'm going to be honest that really hurt for two reasons. One I always am afraid someone will be interested in me, but I don't do pre-martial sex and so they'll leave me for that. Or two Harry will never be with me that way and I've only known him for a little bit, but he keeps sticking up for me, which only Liam's done, and I've grown quite fond of him in the eight hours we've known each other.

Harry huffs and we start walking down the field. I can tell he wants to say something, but he's holding back.


"Why does Lou hate you?" He says interrupting me.

I just shrug, not wanting to tell him. I can tell he wants me to tell him the truth, but he doesn't pursue it, which I'm thankful for.

"I can take my books, I sit at the top of the bleachers." I tell him, but he shakes his head.

"No, I can't let you take them all the way up there with your shoulder. My mum raised me better than that."

"Harry..." I start but he just keeps shaking his head, and has already started walking up the steps.

Once we reach the top he puts my stuff down and sits down next to me. I already have my homework out and a pencil.

"So, why do you sit up here?" He asks pulling out his own homework.

"I've gotten hit with the ball a couple times on accident, so I just figured this was safer. Plus I can't hear all the yelling, so I can concentrate better." I tell him, lying a bit about getting hit with the balls, and just starting on my calculus. Harry hums, and pulls out his english homework.

We sit until the practice is over, and Liam runs up the bleacher to us, and helps me with my books. Louis isn't far behind him. He glares at me real quick and leans into Harry for a kiss, but they don't pull away for a while. Liam looks away uncomfortably and I look down at my feet.

Finally Harry pulls away, his breath labored, and Louis takes his hand and they walk off. Liam grabs my bag, and leads me to his car. His actions make me curious if he likes Louis or Harry. I'm leaning towards him liking Louis, since he seemed to try and sneak peaks at him as they walked away, and Liam isn't very sneaking.

As much as I hate to admit it Harry was super attractive and very nice to me and I kinda now have a medium sized crush on him. I haven't known him for a very long time, but I still am kinda into him.

"So, what should we do for dinner?" Liam asks. I have a feeling his parents won't be home tonight, so we're left to fend for ourselves.

"Nandos?" I ask hopefully ass Liam starts the engine. He laughs and nods his head and I grin at my success.

"How often did you eat at Nandos in Ireland?" He asks.

"Mum and I used to try and go a couple times a week since it was cheeper than buying a load of groceries." I smile thinking of my mum, and how I should call her tonight. I haven't told her about the bullying, but I know I should soon. Just maybe not tonight. Or ever.

HI!!! So this chapter is a bit shorter, but there was some Louis and Harry tension and I don't mean good tension. Then there was just sweet Harry being super nice to injured Niall. Also a few hints of Lilo bc why not



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