Chapter 6

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Okay so i just realized this would be a Tuesday so it doesn't make sense so lets just say the school is taking the day off to prep for Parent/Teacher Confrences.


Waking up I notice I'm in a bed, but I don't remember falling asleep in a bed. We watched the notebook last night but I fell asleep in Harry's love seat before it ended. Rolling over I see Liam on an air mattress on the floor sleeping next to another empty air mattress and a note on the bedside table.

I brought you up stairs after you fell asleep. Figured because of your shoulder you might prefer to sleep on a bed, so I laid you down on my bed. I hope you don't mind.

BTW you sleeping is super cute <3


That's so sweet of Harry even though he shouldn't have. I can't believe he slept on the floor even though it's his house. Also doesn't he have other rooms?

"Niall you're awake!" Liam says scaring me. I nod and he comes to sit on the bed.

"Why did you guys sleep on the floor? I'm sure Harry has loads of rooms." I ask and Liam smiles.

"We've always shared a room when ever any of the boys sleeps over no matter if there's empty rooms. Also Harry likes to keep those rooms open for the maids and butlers if they ever want to stay the night since they all live quite a ways away. He even has a couple rooms for their children if they ever need a place to stay." Liam explains and I can't help but smile at Harry's kindness.

"That's so-" I start.




We hear some yelling and we go to the edge of the stairs where Harry and Louis are in Harry's living room and by the looks of it, it's a pretty big fight.

Liam and I try to sneak back to Harry's room but, I accidently trip and crash to the floor. Groaning I lie there holding my shoulder.

"WHAT WAS THAT HARRY? DO YOU HAVE A FREAKING GUEST OVER!?" Louis yells and Harry rushes up the stairs Louis close behind.

Liam is crouched over me and Harry joins him and finally Louis looks over me as well and scoffs.

"Even better. Not only did you cheat on me but you did it with Horan, god I almost wish you'd slept with a girl, at least she wouldv'e given you some sort of pleasure." Louis says and I can feel tears stinging the corners of my eyes.

"Hey! Don't say that about Niall! I can't believe you don't you see Liam? We're just hanging out and they slept over. Plus we're on a break!" Harry yelled and Liam just glared at Louis not saying anything.

"Ugh Harry come on it's still cheating. You can do better at least."  Louis says and storms out the door.

Tears are now falling rapidly down my face. Liam is holding me and his face is stoic but his eyes hold a lot of anger and sadness. Harry is so mad and looks quite scary. He isn't looking at me but at the wall past me.

"H-harry," I start

"No Niall. I can't believe he just said that about you. To your face as well. God he was so cruel to you why." Harry rants still not looking at me.

His eyes finally meet mine and I could see his face calm down immediatly into a sad, remorseful look.

"God Niall I'm so sorry. I can't believe he said that to you." Harry says.

"Harry you don't have to apologize for Louis, it's not your fault." I say and he just smiles.

"Niall we should be getting home." Liam says his eyes hard and he shoots a glare at Harry. What's his problem?

"I'll go grab your bags Niall." Harry says quickly walking into his room. Liam gets up to help but I hold onto his arm. I send him a we're talking about this later look and he sighs and I let go of him. I lean my self against the wall and wait for the boys to come back.

"So um, I'll see you guys tomorrow at school." Harry says and waves to us. I smile at him as we walk to Liam's car.

"So what's wrong with you?" I ask as we pull out of Harry's driveway.


"So Harry just had it coming?"

"No Ni it's just that Harry's boyfriend says those things and he still is with him. That bothers me." Liam says sighing.

"He defended me and they got into a fight about him. It's not like Harry was on Louis' side." I argue and Liam nods.

"I know, but he didn't break it off like any sane person would."

"It's not our buisness. Plus Harry doesn't know what Louis has done he just thinks Louis doesn't like me." I say quietly and Liam shakes his head.

"You should tell him his boyfriend is bullying you."

"Why don't you!" I say louder.

"I love Louis and I can't do that to him even if you're family." Liam admits and we sit in silence until we get back home.

Even though I saw it coming I can't help but feel hurt and angry that Louis has beat me and my cousin is in love with him and defending him.

I run up to my room and shut my door and pull out my note book. I sit on my bed with my guitar and a pen. Scribbling out some lyrics and plucking my guitar I start singing a tune that I begin to like the more I listen to it.

You're on the phone with your boyfriend, he's upset
She's goin' off about somethin' that you said
'Cause he doesn't get your humor like I do
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listenin' to the kind of music he doesn't like
And he'll never know your story like I do

It's not quite accurate to my situation but I don't like to write a song so specific to the situation in case the person I write it about was ever to find my lyrics. Plus then other people can relate which is something I love about music. Everything you write someone else can relate to it.

After a hour of trying to write some more I give up and lay down on my bed and fall alseep dreaming of Harry.

Hi! How did you like the chapter? This one was kidna hard to write and I had to stop a lot over the course of the week. That's also why it's shorter than the last few chapters I've written. Also this is the first glimpse of Singer and Musician Niall!!



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