Chapter 5

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Hi! So I probably will keep chapters only one perspective, but the perspective will probably change every chapter or every couple chapter. I will always write at the top of the chapter whose perspective it is and.



Louis and I left the field hand in hand, but I quickly snuck a look at Niall who was walking down the bleachers with Liam. I don't know why I keep thinking about him, or I keep sneaking quick looks at him while Louis rants about footie practice.

Maybe it was because he's new and I haven't seen a fresh face around Chesire High in a while. Maybe it's because he's Irish and I've always loved a good Irish accent and he has the best. Maybe it's because I can't figure out why Louis could hate him, when he seems so sweet. Maybe it's just because the fire between Louis and I seems to be dying and a new one seems to be sparking with Niall.

"Haz? Are you listening to me?" I hear Louis call and I realize I've zoned out.

"Sorry Lou, what were you saying?" I smile at him apologetically.

"Nothing I just-" He prompts before taking a breath. "God, Horan bugs me. Like what's with his freaky accent? His highlights make him look like a twelve year old. He always hangs around Liam like a freaking puppy dog and so I can't talk to Liam." He says frustrated. I look at him in disgusted for a quick second feeling hurt on Niall's account.

"Louis! I can't believe you just said that!" I say quite loudly.

"Oh  come on Harry. He makes you slave away carrying his bags, and he always glares at me and he's trying to steal you away from me!" Louis yells and I flinch involuntary.

"Louis! He's not trying to steal me away from you. He's hurt and can't carry his stuff, so I offered to carry it for him, since Liam can't and we share classes. You're such a prick sometimes and I have no idea why!" I yell back and suddenly we're in a full blown fight.

"God Louis I think we need to take a break." I finally say after at least five minutes of straight yelling.

"FINE!" He yells back before getting in his car and leaving.

I suddenly realize I don't have a ride home, since Gemma dropped me off before going to Uni and my parents are away for the week. My house is at least a mile and a half and it's already 6 o'clock.

If I hurry I could be home by 7 since I walk slow and I probably have to pick up dinner since I know we have nothing at home from being on vacation. I could call our butler and have him pick me up something but it's his day off and I know his daughter has a dance recital, that he's been telling me about for months. She's been practicing this for four months and there are scouts for a dance highschool.

I figure I should probably start walking towards my house. Stuffing my hands in my pocket I start the trek to my side of town.

"Hey handsome get in!" I hear someone yell and I whip around thinking I'm about to be robbed when I see Liam and Niall in a car pulled up against the side of the road.

I laugh at them and Niall climbs out of the passenger side to let me sit, but I wave him off.

"Where's Louis Haz? I thought he usually brings you home?" Liam asks and I look at my feet.

"We're taking a break." I say quitely and there's an awkward silence before Niall speaks up.

"You wanna come to Nandos with us? We were on our way but Liam took a wrong turn and we saw you!"

Liam slaps Niall playfully and Niall giggles like a little girl, but somehow he makes it sound sexy.

God what am I thinking I'm with Louis! No we're on a break I can think about Niall that way if I want! Wait is that cheating? Are we still together just not together? Does Niall like me like that? probably not.

My mind is now kinda fuzzy but I push my thoughts about Louis and Niall aside.

"I'd love to come with you guys if that's alright."

Niall turns his head and smiles at me and I thought I could see him blush, but he turned back around to quickly.

Liam starts the car and we start driving to this Nandos. I've never been but Niall keeps talking it up saying how I'll love it and that they're food's to die for.

I see the Nandos sign and Niall skips in like a kid in a candy store. Liam laughs at him but he has a smile on his face. I'm positive Niall's taken him here before.

I look at the menu and it all looks good. Niall has ordered half the menu and I wonder how he is so skinny. Liam pulls out his card to pay, but I snatch it from him pulling out my own card. 

"Hey! I was gonna pay!" He argues but I stick my tongue out at him, and pay for the food. Niall frowns at me and I feel confused.

"Harry you shouldn't have paid. I ordered like a hundred dollars worth of food." Niall says and he looks guilty.

"It's okay! I have plenty of money and I don't care spending it on friends. Plus you saved me from a long trip to the grocery store and back home so this is thanks." I say and he smiles, but still looks a little guilty.

"So why'd you and Louis decide to take a break?" Liam asks and I knew this moment was coming. We've been best friends for a while and I know he's just concerned about our friend group and how we're doing. I also know he won't be picking sides which is nice.

"We had a fight." I say simply not wanting to tell him in front of Niall who was eating his food quite quickly, but I knew he wouldn't like it if I told him me and Louis fought about him.

"Harry you guys fight all the time over stupid stuff, why'd you really split?" Liam presses.

"We had a big fight Liam and we didn't break up we're just taking some time. I'd rather not discuss it here, I'll tell you soon." I secretly nod to Niall, who doesn't notice but Liam does and nods.

"Tonight?" He asks and I know I have no choice. Nodding he smiles and goes back to his food.

"LiLi do we have any ice cream at home?" Niall asks a chip in his hand hope in his eyes.

"No I don't think we do. We finished it a couple nights ago when we watched that movie." Immediatly Niall looks deflated and I decide that's a terrible look on him.

"Oh okay." He says eating his chip a bit sadder than before.

"Hey! Why don't we go to my house? I have loads of ice cream and Liam I know you have clothes over there, and Niall could borrow something of mine, and you guys could stay over." I suggest and Niall perks up cutely.

Liam runs his fingers through his hand sighing. Niall is giving him the cutest puppy eyes and he sighs in defeat.

Niall smiles triumphantly and procceds to stuff as many chips into his mouth as possible.

Liam pulls into the drive way of my house, which is technically a mansion, but I don't like to say I live in a mansion.

Niall looks in awe at my house and he cleans his shoes awkwardly before entering which I chuckle at.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask containers of ice cream in hand. When they both nod I lead them to the theater room where Niall looks even more impressed and smiles widely.

"Can we watch the Notebook?"

So what did you think? I made this one a bit longer 1) for the plot 2) because last chapter was a bit short. I kinda suck at writing fights so I kinda just sped through it sorry. I'm working on it though.



The Irish Exchange Student (Narry Storan)Where stories live. Discover now