Chapter 25

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For the first time since taking Yeonjun in, Taehyung felt a connection to his cousin. The young boy would lock himself up but today he approached him. He felt so much happiness while reading to Yeonjun, he couldn't help but grin the entire time.

It had been so long since he truly felt comfort and delight.

Once he was done, he tucked Yeonjun into bed and went to his room.

He plopped himself on the bed and sighed contendedly.

Today was a good day, he thought, finally got to connect to Yeonjun.

He set his glasses aside and snuggled up inside his blanket, smiling. And like a normal human being, he had dreams, except if he knew he'd see this, he would have never dared to fall asleep.

(Recommend listening to rain or a sad song....)

In his dreams he found himself at a street, he was practicing for his drivers test. He was so excited. He could finally drive around! Life would be sweet!

But then he picked up on a strange sound. It took him a second to register that the sound was crying. He turned in the direction of the voice, trying to locate where it came from and found out the source.

Just a few feet away, was a young girl ,around his age, with a pale and skinny frame. She looked like she might break at the slightest touch.

He suddenly developed an urge to protect her and cradle her in his arms, to comfort her that everything would be ok, but he didn't know her, though he felt like he should.

He approached the girl. Maybe he could help out. He walked closer to the bench she was on and sat down beside her. He looked at her nervously, he cleared his throat in a kind of awkward manner. That was enough for the girl. Her sobbing stopped for a second and she looked up to his eyes.

The second he looked at her face, all of the thoughts rushed to his head. He knew the face because she was his friend, Kim Seokjin's sister.

What is she doing here? Taehyung knew that Seokjin was struggling a lot with his sister's mental health, but she looked literally broken. She didn't seem this way the last time they'd met, but that had been years ago, he hadn't given her a second thought since he moved to Daegu.

"Hi...", Taehyung said, as if his awkwardness as no limits, "you ok?"
Taehyung literally wanted to slap himself for saying that, of course she wasn't ok! Why would she be crying otherwise?

"I mean, can I help in someway?"

Her eyes glistened with tears, her lips were cracked and bleeding and her face was so sunken. Her hair were matted with dirt, her clothes were in taters. She looked like the ghost of a once pretty girl.

"Not unless you have a car and can drive."
When she replied her voice was hoarse and hushed from crying, as if every sound she uttered hurted her.

"As a matter a fact, I do have a car, and I can drive.", Taehyung said, finally feeling useful.

For a split second there was a hopeful glint in her eyes, as though she might actually be alive, but it went away as soon as it came, she looked down at the floor again, as if it were better looking than Taehyung (ouch).

"I mean, I really can help you if you want.", Taehyung told her, "I'd do anything for you."

The girl looked up, "You'd do anything for me? Why?". Her voice was full of disbelief. That hurt Taehyung.
She returned her gaze to the ground, as if she knew whatever he'd answer would not be what she wanted to hear.

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