Chapter 18

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"Wait!", Lisa yelled as Jisoo went to pick up the remote, "I think we shouldn't watch the movie-"

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"Wait!", Lisa yelled as Jisoo went to pick up the remote, "I think we shouldn't watch the movie-"


"I'll go check that.", Jisoo said. She set the remote down and walked to open the door. She peeped through the peephole. A small boy seemed to be standing at the door. She opened the door to reveal a nervous kid, fidgeting with his fingers as he looked up at Jisoo.

"I know her...", He thought to himself.

Jisoo smiled lovingly at the little boy. She crouched down to match his height.
"What's your name?", Jisoo kindly asked. The boy still seemed nervous but he still replied, "Y-yeonjun.."
"Cute name.", She ruffled the boy's hair and beckoned him inside. Yeonjun was hesitant at first but slowly stepped inside.

Lisa came after hiding the remote in the couch, "Who's this little kid?", She asked with a kind smile.
"Uh..I'm Yeo-Yeonjun. I-I am Taeh-yung hyung's cousin."
Jisoo brought some chocolate for him, "Here. Have some. You look famished.", He handed him the chocolate and lovingly caressing his cheeks.

"What brings you here?", Jisoo asked crouched next to him to make him comfortable.

"I'm here..", he took a deep breath, "because Tae hyung is sick. He said he won't be able to do the project for a few days and he wanted to just inform you that you can start on your own.", Yeonjun blurted out, just like he'd memorized it.

Jisoo made an 'o' face in understanding. She smiled kindly at the boy. "Thanks for letting me know, but why didn't he just send me a text? It's so wrong to send a little boy so far for informing such a petty thing."

"He was going to but then you..uh never game him your phone number. He was going to come here personally...but.....then his fever increased so... I uh I volunteered to inform you. He just didn't want you to wait for him.", Yeonjun explained. Jisoo looked at him for a second and then got up. She walked towards the pantry and brought out a small bag, "Thank you so much Yeonjun-ah. You're such a good boy,", she smiled and ruffled his hair, "here's a token of appreciation. When I meet Taehyung-ssi again, I'm going to confront him for under-feeding you."

Yeonjun looked a little hesitant but nevertheless accepted the package. He smiled at Jisoo and then hugged her. She smiled and hugged him back and then ruffled his soft locks once more. "I'll drop you home. Just wait here while I get my coat."
Yeonjun wanted to refuse but he decided that it would be better to have someone older walk him home since there might be a giant monster lurking in the bushes or somewhere.

As soon as Jisoo left to get her coat, Lisa looked at the little boy and smiled, "Thanks kid. You saved me."

"Lisa, please take care of the house while I'm gone. I'll be back as soon I drop him home."

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