Taehyung's P.O.V

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I was at my favorite library, reading my favorite book on my favorite seat

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I was at my favorite library, reading my favorite book on my favorite seat. I come here everyday. I honestly came here to escape from my amazingly mundane life.

Being smart comes with more responsibility and pressure than I can handle. It's nice to relax here. This place is my favorite since it rarely has any of the popular kids or actually anybody for that matter.

Don't get me wrong though, I am an extrovert when I feel like it. But with those kids, I'd rather not. They say I am lame and constantly tease me. I've gotten many nicknames from them, 'nerd' being their absolute favorite. Talk about lack of creativity. The girls however, like to call me -cold something- I can't quite remember. My friend, Jimin,  told me they call me that due my lack of expression or care towards them. 

I was immersed in reading my book when the bells chimed cheerfully, indicating someone had come in the library. I looked up to see who it was. It was none other than Kim Jisoo, one of the, if not prettiest, girls in the school. Watching her, my stomach twisted itself in a knot.

I noticed her approaching me so I tried for a smile. She smiled back, with the prettiest smile I had ever seen. Her eyes crinkled into the prettiest eye smile and her lips formed a small heart.

She came and sat down next to me. I scooted a bit away to give her space. I would normally get up and leave as soon as I see a popular kid. They regularly tried to annoy me. I would do it now too but I just couldn't. I needed to sit next to her. So I just sat there, reading the book in my hand.

She just sat next to me, which I didn't expect would happen. It was quiet. I glanced at her and noticed she looked like in a daze. I was going to just let it be but I knew I had to get closer to her.

I snapped my fingers to draw her attention. I asked her if she was ok. Looking at her, I had to fight the urge to smile. It felt strange, I didn't even like to smile. She nodded, saying she was fine. I nodded back and returned to reading my book, not knowing if it would be a good idea to talk to her now.

My skin tingled, I had to say something, but what? I thought maybe small talk? But what small talk. There were so many types. I finally decided to just ask her what she was reading, but she beat me to it.

She asked, "What are you reading there?". I replied back, trying for a smile, apparently you need to smile when talking to people. I learned that from Jimin. I was going to ask her the same, for you know small talk purposes but then I noticed the book she had in her hand.

It set off something in me. That book utter brain rot. I never get so critical about anything but that book triggered something in me. I mean what was the writer thinking when writing it?

I, without thinking twice, just blurted out "Take my advice, save yourself the hassle. It maybe popular among a lot of kids but trust me, its really not good. It honestly is just bad. Overly playing at teenage fantasies. I don't know what type of books popular kids like you read but I don't think you would actually enjoy it that much." I couldn't control myself. That book had really triggered me but it was really popular among a lot of people for some reason.  Most of them were the giggly hormonal teenagers. Some people really have no taste.

She still was calm and sweetly replied, "Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for giving me the heads up." Her eyes crinkled into that eye smile again. I felt horrible for talking without thinking. I wasn't invited to give my opinion, but I did. I tried to lighten the mood with a small laugh. She smiled along too, with her gorgeous smile.

After some time of reading, I decided it was time to head back. I got up and looked at her. This was my first time seeing her to be very honest and I realized she really did fit her title. Her dark hair fell like a waterfall down her back. She had big eyes that were a really warm shade of brown. I noticed the make up she had on, it was soft and delicate, really bringing out the best features she had.

She seemed to be in deep thought. I felt I should say something before leaving but I didn't feel like disturbing her. I just got up and went to put the book back in the shelf.
As I was keeping the book back I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned back to see it was her. I gave her a smile. I have no idea how I would get this done.

"Are you leaving?" , She asked, her lips forming a slight pout. She almost looked disappointed. That is, if I hadn't known any better.

"Yeah, I have to go somewhere. Plus there's a test tomorrow so I have to study.", I told her.

"I thought you would stick around and help me find a good book.." she said softly, her pout growing, and her cheeks puffy.

I had no idea she would want me to pick a good book for her. I had no idea she would want anything from me. The knot that my stomach had tied itself into tightened even more.

I felt bad and quickly replied, again trying on that smile thing. "Well I could always help you out tomorrow. Or whenever you are free to be honest. I come here everyday. So whenever you feel like you need a good book to read you could always ask me. " I gave her a big smile, which I know is what people do when socializing.
I was sure I looked weird and maybe a little crazy the way I smiled.

Jimin always patted my head whenever I got upset so I did that for her. I gently patted her head, to which she smiled shyly, Mumbling a thank you.

I then walked towards the door and opened it. I turned back, I know I should, that's how it works. My eyes searched for her and feeling a feeling of relief took over when I saw her look at me. I smiled and turned back. I needed to go back. I couldn't stand a minute more of this. I left.

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