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Jia's POV


I turn around and see little 3 years old Kang Soomi running to me with her small school bag bouncing up and down behind her.

Her short ponytail makes her appearance much more cuter despite her literally copy and paste my features.

"Soomi-ya!" I exclaims in excited dropping my books beside me on the ground waiting for her to throw herself in my arms.


Soomi literally tackles me to the ground even though she's tiny as hell.

"Why are you dressed so black today?" I furrows my eyebrows realising her black dress while smoothing her hair.

She pouts. "A-Appa? Visit? T-today?"

I vividly tries to understand what she's trying to imply before realising something.

I smacks my forehead remembering what I told her last night. "Oh yeah, no wonder I bring my scarf in my bag."

"And thanks to me for picking her up from her nursery school."

A voice spoke up as I look up to the owner of the voice sheepishly.

"Thanks, Mingyu. I owe you one. I should buy you a dinner after this." I said smiling softly to him.

"Thank, but no thanks, Jia if you're going to buy noodles cup again." He jokingly said to me.

I huffs, "Sorry that I'm poor. Can't help that."

"Mommy~" Soomi whines at my side urging me to go faster to our destination.

"Welp, I'll go first. I have an upcoming meeting. See you later, Jia and cutie Soomi. Uncle Gyu will meet you again some time later. Be good to your Mommy. Bye~"

Mingyu is an old highschool friend of mine and we accidentally met again a year ago when I lost Soomi on street shopping.

We rarely talk though which means we're not that close, just quick hi and byes whenever we met each other. It's just that I really had no one to help with Soomi that I had to ask help from him which to my relief, he agreed.

"Sure, thanks again, Mingyu."

Mingyu took that as a sign as he left me and Soomi in front of my University. Seoul University to be exact.

Yes, I'm 22 and I have a kid to take care of.

I stood up picking up my newly bought books and another hand holding Soomi's hand before we start walking trying to catch a taxi.

We reach the graveyard as I slowly put the bouquets of flowers I bought on the graves before plucking out unnecessary plants that have grown around the thombstones.

It's been two years since the accident happened. It happened so fast that the moment I opened my eyes, I lost my love ones and only barely 6 months Soomi stayed by my side.

"Oppa, it's your birthday, today. I brought Soomi today too. You must be missed Soomi so much, right? We too, misses you so much. Day by day, she's acting so much like you. Of course, she's your daughter. Oh and this past few months, I had to put Soomi in a nursery school for few months because I'm having my final exams and if I pass, I can continue my last year next semester. I'm sorry. After I finish my finals, I will take Soomi to eat delicious foods, okay? She really do love steaks just like you but I can't afford it that much. But I promise I will work hard for her. Besides, she's the reason why I'm still here and not following you going up there."

Tears streaming down my cheeks and I subtly wipes them away before moving to another thombstones.

"Mom, Dad, it's me, Jia. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that it gets a little too hard these past few months because of financial problems since no one wants to employ me because I had to bring Soomi along. Please tell me everything is going to be okay. I was scared that I'm not strong enough to raise Soomi alone but look, I'm still here, right? I love you both so much."

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