Chapter 11

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Levi's Pov

Today I was discharged. Being in the hospital made me lose track of time. Well, not that I complained at all. Hanji would come and visit me every day. Heck she'd even spend days in a row with me. I was really happy. She would occasionally bring Erwin or Nanaba with her. She is a really nice person and cares a lot for Hanji. I also met her father who would occasionally check up on me. He is a nice man though he can be a bit strict and overprotective with his daughter. I honestly don't blame him. I mean, if I had a daughter like Hanji, I wouldn't even let boys near her. I think I'd be the overprotective type of dad...

Tonight, Erwin would drive me home. Hanji was already there. After we arrived at my house, Erwin helped me sit on the couch while Hanji brought a pillow to put my leg on. Erwin then told me to take it easy and not come to work until I fully healed.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave now. I'm leaving you in good hands." He said and winked at me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance while Hanji turned red.

"If there is anything you need me to do, tell me." She said as she rolled her wheelchair. "At least if it's something I can do. Like, don't ask me to reach the top shelf." She said and laughed. "Not that you could reach it before..." She added laughed even more.

"Funny..." I said and rolled my eyes annoyed. However, a small smile was formed in my lips. Fortunately, Hanji didn't notice it. She rolled to the kitchen and soon returned with a glass of water and a pill.

"Bottoms up." I said as I took the pill and gulped it down along with the water. I then nodded as she returned the glass back in the kitchen. However, she took way too long to return. I thought that she was probably doing something and I was right when I heard a loud thud.

"Are you alright?" I said as I took the clutches and headed towards the kitchen. I saw Hanji on the ground trying to get back on her wheelchair. After a few minutes, she finally managed to get back on the wheelchair.

"Sorry for worrying you." She said and smiled. I shook my head in disapproval as we both headed back in the living room.

"Don't overexert yourself." I said irritated.

"Sorry. I just wanted to make you some tea..." She said and looked away. "Erwin told me you like it." I placed my fingers under her chin and lifted her face.

"I like tea, but I like you more. So don't get hurt." I said and caressed her cheek. She chuckled. It was already night so we both went to my bedroom. I sat on the bed and she helped me lift my leg on a pillow. She the covered me.

"I have to get going. My father will be here to pick me up soon." She said and smiled. "Is there anything else you need?" She asked.

"Yes. I want a goodnight kiss." I said and she chuckled. However, she leaned forward and placed her soft lips on mine. I felt butterflies on my stomach. I smiled when she pulled away.

"Satisfied?" She asked smiling. I nodded.

"Goodnight Midget." She said and rolled her wheelchair away.

"Good night four eyes." I said as she closed the light. I waited until I heard the front door shutting. Hanji had left. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Hanji's Pov

I waited for a while until I spotted my father's car. He got out and helped me in. Then, he took off.

"So, this Levi." He started. "Once he is able, you should bring him to dinner with us. I want to meet him." He said without taking his eyes off the road. I looked at him dumbfounded.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"If you two are going to start dating, don't expect me not to agree with him. I have to approve." He said as he stopped at a red light. When my father had something in his mind, it would be impossible to change it. So, I sighed and agreed. We arrived at my house where Nanaba was waiting for us outside. She greeted my father happily as he helped me out of the car and into my apartment. He then said goodnight and left. Nanaba rolled the wheelchair to the table which was already set for dinner. While we were eating, she kept asking about me and Levi, wanting to know more about our relationship. She squealed happily when I told her that he had asked me to kiss him goodnight. After we were done, I helped her wash the dishes. Fortunately, my hands were fully functional. I then said my goodnight and headed to my room. After plenty of tries, I managed to get on bed. Just as I covered myself with a blanket, I saw my phone screen lighting up. My phone was on my bedside cabinet so I took it and saw that it was a message from Levi.

-Good night Four-Eyes.

-Why aren't you sleeping yet?

-Cause I'm not sleepy. I wanted to talk to you.

-Funny midget.

-I'm serious. Btw, are you coming tomorrow?

-No, I have to go to class.

-Ugh, fine... Will you come after that?

-Yeah. Which means that I'll be studying at your place tomorrow

-Don't mind. As long as I can see you. I also want you to explain to me what you will be studying. I want to know too.

-Fine, but get some rest now. You have to sleep

-Fine Four-Eyes. Sweet dreams.

-Goodnight midget.

I put the phone back in the bedside cabinet and smiled. I closed my eyes and fell asleep...

The days passed and Levi and I were even closer. It was funny how he always asked permission to kiss me or place his arms on my waist when we would sit together with him already hugging me. His recovery was going smoothly and soon he even removed the cast. He also would visit me at home so that he would made it easier for me. We would often go to the park as well and he would help me lay down on the grass while resting my head into his lap. He would also caress my hair as we would talk for hours. I mean, I would talk four hours, he would just listen. He would listen to every word I said, even when most of them were random blubbering. Normally, Levi isn't a guy who talks much, but he would always tell me funny things that happened in the bar during his shift just to hear me laugh... and every time I would look into his eyes, because that's probably the reason why I fell in love with him in the first place.

"Levi." I started.

"What?" He asked as he caressed my hair.

"My father wants you to come for dinner. He said that he wouldn't let me date you if he didn't approve first. But I really don't care about whether or not he approves you." I said as I stared at him waiting for his answer. He was quiet for a few seconds when he suddenly sighed.

"What are you talking about four eyes. Of course I will come. If I was your father, I'd do the same." He said and smiled.

"Really? Thank you" She said as she raised her hands and placed them around my neck. He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"So, when is it?" He asked.

"In two days." I said and he nodded. "Thank you for agreeing midget." I said and he leaned in to kiss me.

"Anything for you four eyes." He said and smiled as he kissed me.

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