Chapter 19

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Hanji's Pov

The next few weeks were really difficult since I could not move my hands anymore. Levi had to feed me, bathe me and do everything else. However, he did keep his promise, that he would stay. When we sleep, there were nights that I would cry, but he always woke up and comforted me. However, there was one thought that made me happy: the wedding. We had already decided on a date and Levi was writing the invitations. We had already decided that my maid of honor was obviously going to be Nanaba and Levi's best man was going to be Erwin.

"And I'm done. Damn it Hanji, how many relatives do you have!" Levi asked as he put down the pen and stared at me while I laughed.

"Don't forget the fact that they are all doctors. All but my younger cousin who is nine years old." She added and Levi's jaw dropped. He shook his head and placed the invitation on an envelope.

"Wait, don't you have someone you want to invite?" I asked surprised. He shook his head negatively.

"What about your parents?" I asked again and saw him turning his head the other way. "Turn around, I want to hug you." I said and he obeyed as he placed my hands around his neck. "You can talk to me." I said and he sighed.

"As I told you, I grew up in a violent environment. My father was hitting my mother who always protected me. One day, she couldn't take it anymore and left. My father told me that she flew abroad with another man. After that, he became an alcoholic but didn't hit me as much as he did my mother. I left soon after and I haven't heard from neither of them ever since." Levi said.

"I'm sorry." I said as I nuzzled my head to his neck.

"Don't be. It's all on them." He said and caressed my hair.

"You should invite them though. No matter what they did, they are your parents. And nothing is going to change that." I said and he pulled away.

"Are you thirsty? Do you want something to drink?" He suddenly asked changing the subject as he got up.

"Levi Ackerman, sit down this instant." I said irritated. He obeyed. "Your neck is warm." I said and saw him smiling as he buried my head to his neck. "And midget, don't change the subject. I meant what I said about your parents." I said and heard him sighing.

"Fine, if it will make you happy." He said and rolled his eyes. He checked up his work.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your nuzzling to my neck but I have to get ready for work." He said as he kissed me. I smiled as I saw him getting up and heading to our room to change. He walked back in the living room, just as Nanaba rang the doorbell. He opened and she walked inside without taking of her shoes.

"Oi banana-name!" Levi said irritated. "I just cleaned that spot!" He said irritated as he buttoned his shirt. Nanaba rolled her eyes.

"Alright, clean freak." Nanaba said, took out her shoes and threw them at Levi while smirking. Levi dodged them just in time.

"They are filthy!" He said as he picked them up with two fingers and placed them in the shoe case. I laughed as they started bickering.

"You are lucky I have to go to work." Levi said as he approached me and kissed me. He picked up the invitations and left.

Levi's Pov

I arrived in the bar a few minutes later. I opened the door and saw Erwin and Eld. I greeted them and handed them the envelopes. Soon enough, Oluo, Petra and Gunter walked inside. I gave them their invitations. They all congratulated me.

Countdown (Hanji Zoe x Leavi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now