Chapter 6

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Levi's Pov

It's eleven o'clock and the bar is full. I'm serving a couple drinks now. I called Eld and told him to take over for a few minutes. I went into the back of the bar and searched my jacket. I pulled out the small bottle of pills and stared at them for a while, thinking about what Hanji wrote in her note. After a few minutes, I took one. I then returned back to my post.

"Well well well. Look at that. If it isn't Levi, from High School." A guy said as he approached me.

"Ayden" I said coldly as I narrowed my eyes in annoyance.

"So you found a job. I'm surprised. I thought you'd already be dead from drugs right now." He said and smirked. I ignored him.

"Either order or leave." I said coldly.

"Now, now that's not a way to speak to a costumer." He said.

"I would very much appreciate it if you spoke in a more polite manner to my employees." Erwin said as he appeared from behind me.

"Tch, I see you still need protection. Just like with Farlan and Isabel in high school." Ayden said and smirked. I was about to jump at him and punch him but Erwin held me down. I glared daggers at him instead. By now, all eyes were on us.

"Levi, please go in the back." Erwin said with a rather authoritative tone which was very rare of him. I obeyed and Erwin served him. As I walked to the back room, I kicked first the table and then the chair. I then punched my locker. I saw a crate with bottles. I walked towards it, picked up a bottle of whiskey and started drinking. I finished the bottle a few minutes later and threw it away, breaking it. After a few minutes the door opened and Erwin walked inside. I glared at him.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he looked at me. I nodded but then looked away. "Stay here for a few minutes if you need. If he comes again, just pass him to Eld. I explained the situation to him." Erwin added and placed his hand on my shoulder. However, I yanked it off. He then walked away. I stayed for a few more minutes until I decided to walk back outside. He didn't approach me again. However, I did glare at him every time he looked at me.

A few hours later my shift ended. After changing I walked outside from the back door. I turned in a small alley to head home faster. I wanted to go home and drink. As I was walking, I heard footsteps. I turned in a corner and they still followed me. I stopped at a dead end. The footsteps stopped as I well. I turned around and saw Ayden and his gang. They approached me.

"Now Levi, I believe we have a score to settle." Ayden said as he cracked his knuckles and smirked.

"Brought your dogs as well I see." I said. He looked at me pissed. He then turned to his gang and nodded. The all charged at me together. I dodged many punches without striking back. However, they were too many. One grabbed me from behind and they started punching me in the face and in the stomach. I didn't fight back.


I had just beat up a guy who had played a bad prank on Isabel. I turned around as I heard footsteps. I saw Isabel panting. She must have been running. Farlan arrived soon after. She was wearing Farlan's upper uniform while he was wearing a spare T-shirt he had with him. Her hair was cut a bit as well.

"Levi what are you doing!" She said irritated. I looked at her surprised. "How many times have I told you not to attack people?" She added as she hugged me.

"But they glued the back of your chair. You had to cut you upper uniform and your hair! He got what he deserved." I said while crossing my arms.

"Violence is not the answer though. Sure what they did was bad but beating the crap out of them is not going to fix anything. On the contrary, it will get you in trouble instead." Isabel said scolding me.

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