Chapter 15

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Levi's Pov

The week passed really fast. After that incident, Ayden and his gang never showed their face again. Today it's Saturday and fortunately it has a nice weather. Today, I would take Hanji in a horse-riding academy that a friend of Erwin had. He was notified of our arrival. Of course, I hadn't told Hanji where we were going so the entire way, she asked the same two questions: Why aren't you telling me and are we there yet. I sighed and opened the radio. Hanji immediately started singing to every song that played and honestly, I didn't know which one was worse. She then started nudging me to sing along with her. Eventually I gave in and started singing along.

"Shit!" I said as I looked behind me. I had just passed the turn that we were supposed to turn to get there. I sighed and turned to Hanji. "Look at what you made me do..." I said irritated. She just laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Doesn't matter. More time with me." She added and laughed. I rolled my eyes but found myself smiling.

After a few more minutes we arrived. I helped Hanji out and she looked around mesmerized. She then told me that she always wanted to pet a horse for it was her favorite animal. I rolled the wheelchair in the main building where we met up with Dita Ness, Erwin's friend and the owner of the academy. He told us that he was expecting us and then showed us the stables.

Hanji's eyes immediately landed on a brown horse. Ness approached them and calmed down the horse. He then took Hanji's hand and placed it slowly on the neck of the horse and told her not to make sudden moves. Hanji's eyes lit up as she happily petted the horse. I was standing behind her and felt a something nudging the back of my head. I turned around irritated and came face to face with a dark brown horse. It kept staring at me as if it was glaring at me. My grey eyes met up with his.

"Well look at that. I've never seen Bella interacting with anyone like that." Ness said as he approached me. I just looked at him without saying anything.

"So folks, want to ride?" He asked. Instantly Hanji turned and looked at me.

"That's why we are here." I said and Hanji raised her hands to hug me. I l bended over and she hugged me as she started thanking me.

Ness then brought a special saddle that he put in Hanji's horse. When the horse bended down, he lifted Hanji and placed her on its back. Then, he tied some straps to her legs. Once Hanji was secured, the horse stood back up. Dita smiled and headed off to bring a normal saddle for me and when he returned, he secured it on Bella. He then instructed me on how to get on and how to ride. After that, he fetched his horse and got on.

"What about Hanji?" I asked worried.

"Don't worry. Hanji's horse is trained to help people who can't use their legs. And those straps are to secure the girl on it. All you have to do is keep your back straight." He said and Hanji nodded. "I'll be close in case anything happens." He added and we slowly walked out of the stables.

I turned and looked at Hanji. She was smiling and really enjoyed her ride. I lead my horse close to her.

"Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded smiling as she turned her head towards me.

We rode around the academy while Ness was giving us a tour, explaining everything at the same time. When we returned to the stables, he allowed us to ride on our own. Hanji and I rode away. The academy was in the middle of nowhere so it was surrounded by green valleys. Hanji suddenly speed up. I followed behind her and told her to slow down. She didn't listen and stopped only when she reached the top a small hill. She then turned and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"How did you know about my love for horses?" She suddenly asked. I kept looking at her dumbfounded. What would I say to her now?

"I just guessed it." I lied. She raised an eyebrow showing me that she knew I was lying.

Countdown (Hanji Zoe x Leavi Ackerman)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin