Chapter 8

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Levi's Pov

How could I be so stupid! What's wrong with me! I would never kiss someone like this! What's wrong with me!

That was all I could think. However, those thoughts distracted me from my work and I ended up spilling the cocktail I was making. I quickly started cleaning up after apologizing to the costumer. I was about to start the cocktail again but my hands were shaking. I called Eld and asked him to make him the cocktail while I went to the back room. I kicked my locker irritated. Erwin sighed as he walked inside.

"What happened" He asked as he sat on a chair. I didn't answer, just punch the locker again. Erwin raised his eyebrow and motioned me to sit. Eventually I sat down.

"I kissed Hanji." I said and looked away. He looked at me surprised and blinked many times, but then started laughing. I glared at him as he continued laughing. After a few minutes he stopped.

"Isn't that a good thing?" He asked after he stopped.

"Of course not!" I yelled irritated. "I don't like her!" I added. Erwin sighed but then smiled. I then returned back to the bar. Eld looked at me surprised as he saw me grabbing a towel and furiously wiping glasses. He knew it wouldn't end well if he spoke to me so he just did his job in silence. I took various deep breaths as I tried to calm down.

"Are you okay?" He asked after he noticed that I had calmed down. I didn't answer. "I can take your work for tonight if you are not okay. Besides we don't have that much work today and you cover me as well when my girlfriend comes here." He said and scratched his neck awkwardly as he laughed.

"I kissed Hanji" I said quickly. "She rejected me... for that damned brat, Moblit" I said and Eld placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think she rejected you." He said and smiled. "Her face always lights up when you two are together. Trust me when I say that this Moblit guy doesn't stand a chance. If she has to choose, she'll choose you." Eld said and smiled. I just looked at him.

I don't like her! I don't! She is just a friend! A FUCKING FRIEND! 

That night, Hanji was all that was coming to my mind. I couldn't put her out. I even thought I saw her when I was serving a girl with brown hair along with a boy with shaved head. That kiss was wrong. But if it was wrong, why does it feel so right...

Hanji's Pov.

I returned home a few hours later. Nanaba greeted me. Today, I had another date with Moblit. We had decided to got to the amusement park. First, we went to the bumping cars. We were in the same car. First Moblit drove. He was always trying to avoid everyone. I was the complete opposite, always bumping into everyone. I think I gave Moblit a heart attack... We then went to the roller coaster. After that, to the House of Mirrors. Moblit ended bumping in more mirrors than me. After that, we went to the Drop Tower. Then, to the Haunted House and many others. We then passed from some stalls. I saw a small cute panda. However, Moblit had already moved forward so I ignored it. We left the Ferry Wheel for last. The sun was setting when we reached the top. I was looking at the view from there and it was truly beautiful. The entire city could be seen.

"Hanji." Moblit started. I sat back in my seat as Moblit sat next to me. He took my hand in his and looked at me in the eyes. His light brown eyes shone under the dim light of the setting sun. However, they were not as beautiful as Levi's. He leaned in and our faces were inches apart. He then kissed me. His lips were cold probably from the wind up here. His kiss was gentle as well, however it didn't feel the same. Somehow, it felt wrong. He smiled when we pulled away. The rest of the ride was silent. Even when he drove me home. He left me out of the doorstep and smiled when he said goodnight.

Countdown (Hanji Zoe x Leavi Ackerman)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora