Chapter 15

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Moving in with each other

It's hard work. Especially since you and your loved one just got out of college. But they made it work.

Adrien was helping (y/n) unbox her things in the house, Tikki and Plagg doing there best to help as well. Hawk Moth had been defeated a while ago, and Gabriel was sent to jail for being a villain.

Adrien didn't know how to feel about that. He loved his father, and still does. No matter all the bad things he has done, Gabriel is still his father and nothing can change that.

(Y/n) helped him get through it, just like he did when (b/n) died. The two adults were both very happy with each other, and they couldn't wish for anything more.

They both went to college for crime investigating, and stuff that requires need for being a cop. The two were able to become hero cops, the best kind. They fought crime together, and still nobody knew who they were behind the mask besides the two of them.

They had been given the Miraculous box when Master Fu had announced that he was getting too old, and could pass away soon. Luckily, he is still alive today.

Soon, all of (y/n)'s things had been unpacked and set to where they're supposed to be. (Y/n) was in the kitchen fixing dinner. Adrien came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Smells good. What are you cooking?" He asks, kissing the top of her head. A chuckle came from the shorter girl, and she turned around, also wrapping her own arms around his waist.

"Soup à l'oignon. Master Fu is coming over, and that's one of his favorite dishes." (Y/n) says as she pecks Adrien's lips with her own. "Mmm, well I can't wait to try it." He replies back before bring (y/n) in for another kiss.

"Ewww, no pda in the kitchen! This is where I eat my Camembert you disgusting humans." Plagg says disgusted as he flies inside, Tikki following behind him. "Oh, be quiet Plagg. You flirt with me and (y/n) all the time." Tikki retorted back.

Plagg rolls his eyes, and sits down on the counter taking in the scent of the soup. "Yeah, but not in the kitchen!" Both Adrien and (y/n) laugh.

"Haven't I told you to stop flirting with my girlfriend years ago Plagg?" Adrien asks, raising an eyebrow at his Kwami. (Y/n) turned back around to stir the soup. "Oh, cut him some slack Adrien. It's actually pretty cute how he flirts." She says with a giggle.

Plagg looks very proud of himself. Adrien sends him a glare, but he knows Plagg is only kidding around and just wanting to get on his nerves.



Adrien has been planning to ask (y/n) to marry him after they finished college. He knew it was the perfect time to ask her on her birthday.

He had the ring ready, and a very romantic dinner on top of the Eiffel Tower. They both transformed into Ladybug and Chat Noir and made their way towards the destination.

When they made it to the top, (y/n) gasped at the sight in front of her. The surface had candles, rose peddles, and a table with many foods on it, waiting to be eaten.

"Claws in." Adrien says from behind her. He walks over to one of the chairs and pulls it out from underneath the table. "Spots off." (Y/n) has mumbled as she made her way towards Adrien.

She sat down in the chair, and Adrien pushed the chair back in. He sat opposite of her with a huge smile on his face. Plagg was already devouring the Camembert, and Tikki was eating a cookie, waiting patiently for the big question.

They all ate and talked about random things.

The light from the full moon shines down on the four, creating a magnificent glow. It was when everyone finished the food, that Adrien took out a small, black box from his coat jacket.

(Y/n)'s eyes caught sight of it and her breath got stuck in her throat.

"Adrien? What's that?" She asked, pointing to the box in his hand. A small smile appeared on the blonde mans face. Adrien opens the box, showing a diamond ring to (y/n).

A small gasp leaves the other as she takes in the sight of the beautiful ring. (Y/n) looks back up to Adrien's green eyes, swimming with hope and love.

Then the question came.

"Will you marry me, (y/n) (l/n)?"

"Yes, of course yes!" It was pretty obvious what her answer was going to be. She loves him very much. Why would she say no?

(Time Skip)

(Y/n)'s mother cried when she saw her daughter in a wedding dress. "Honey, you look gorgeous." She had complimented when her eyes landed on (y/n).

After a good amount of tears were shed, they both fixed their makeup and continued to get ready.

Their arms are linked as they walked down the aisle. At the end, Adrien stands with a bright smile when he sees his bride. He heard a "wow" come from his best men, Nino and Luka. (Can weddings have more than 1 best man/woman?) (Y/n)'s best woman, Alya and Juleka, had tears in their eyes as their friend walks down the aisle.

(Y/n) looked absolutely stunning. The minister started to speak. Then the vows came. (I'm way too lazy to write vows)

Adrien puts the ring on (y/n) and she does the same to him. "You may now kiss the bride." The minister said. Everybody started to cheer when the bride and groom kissed.



(Y/n)'s hands tremble as she holds the pregnancy test. She has been having to throw up in the morning and has unexpected cravings. So, just in case, she took a pregnancy test, and is now waiting for the answer.

After the five minutes are up (or is it ten? Idk, I've never been pregnant before), she flips the test over and her eyes widen, filling up with happy tears.

There were two lines.

(Y/n) runs out of the bathroom and quickly makes her way to Plagg and Tikki, who were arguing about whether cookies or Camembert is better. "I'm pregnant!" (Y/n) blurts out, setting the test on the table they were sitting on.

A gasp leaves Tikki, her being surprised and happy, and Plagg looks absolutely disgusted. "OH MY GOSH! (Y/n), that's amazing!" Tikki exclaims, flying up to her friend and rubbing against her cheek. A big, wide smile can be seen on the other.

"Ew. I hate kids." Plagg complains, pretending to throw up. "Plagg, you were friends with Adrien when he was a kid." Tikki points out, rolling her eyes. "That doesn't mean I like kids!" Plagg tried to reason, but failed.

Adrien walked through the front door, confused as to why (y/n) and Tikki were very happy and excited. "Did I miss something?" He asked, setting his keys on the counter and tossing a piece of Camembert to Plagg.

"Adrien, I'm pregnant!" As soon as (y/n) said that, Adrien brightens up and brings her into a tight hug. When they separate, Adrien kisses her deeply, happy tears rolling down both of their faces.

"Oh, I'm so happy right now!" Adrien says, hugging her again. Plagg and Tikki joined in on the hug.

(9 months later)

The crying of two babies could be heard in the emergency room. (Y/n) had twins. Two boys. Nathaniel (in honor of our tomato child) and Felix (I love Felix, he's awesome). Adrien looks down at the two cute faces. They had (y/n)'s beautiful eyes (they're going to have Adrien's blonde hair).

They were now a big happy family!

Mon coeur ~ Adrien/Chat Noir x readerWhere stories live. Discover now