Chapter 14

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"I know that this came out of nowhere! But I just wanted to ask, before you start to date someone else.... just in case I might have a chance." Adrien looked down at (y/n), hoping to see a response in those (e/c) eyes.

(Y/n) started to laugh, and Adrien looked at her confused. "I would love to Adrien." She says after she quit laughing. The blonde sighed in relief when he heard her say those words.

He thought she was about to say no, but I guess he was wrong.

The hold he has on her got tighter, as he also laughed with happiness. Adrien was so happy she didn't say no, and shared the same feelings as he did.

(Y/n) was also very happy he had asked that question. She needed something to distract her from her brother's death, and this is exactly what she needed.

They both stayed in that position, not moving until her mother called them down for dinner. They both reluctantly let go of each other, walked down stairs, and ate whatever she cooked for them.


It could have been foolish for Adrien to think of this idea. But, he just wants to do it. He knows that he can trust (y/n) with so much stuff. Considering she is the new Ladybug.

Adrien was able to trust her with his secret identity. He's going to tell her tonight.

"Are you sure about this?" Plagg had asked when Adrien told him his plan. He was eating his Camembert and nearly choked on it.

"Plagg, she's Ladybug. Plus she IS my girlfriend. (Y/n) is like the best person to tell!" Adrien tried to convince Plagg while combing his hair into it's usual hairstyle.

Plagg flys down and sits on the counter, tossing another piece of Camembert. "Fine. Do what you want." He says tiredly. Adrien's lips quirk up into a small smile as his Kwami falls asleep.

Adrien gently picks him up, placing him into his bag, next to the spare box of Camembert he keeps inside. Adrien walks outside to the awaiting white car, and enters it.

The gorilla drives him to school, sitting next to him, Nathalie.


When Adrien saw (y/n) in the classroom, he immediately brightened. He walked over to her and kissed her cheek, earning a sweet smile in return.

Adrien sat beside her, an arm around her shoulders. Nino and Alya came and sat in front of them. Alya was still hurt from Marinette's leave, and haven't talked to the two of them since she left. She thought that, by getting together, they were stabbing Marinette in the back.

Which was obviously not true, and they knew it.

They also knew that Alya would come around and stop being so childish. At least Nino was still talking to them.

"Hey dude and dudette! How's it shaking?" Nino says, flashing a smile. "It's shaking fine Nino!" Adrien says and fist bumps the other. (Y/n) and Nino give each other a friends nod to each other.

The rest of the school day went by slowly without any akumatizations, which both lovers were pretty glad about. The three students left the school together and started to walk to the park.

On their way there, they stopped at an ice cream cart. They bought some and continued on their walk.

Adrien and (y/n) held hand in hand, and Nino walking beside Adrien, casually being the third wheel. Nino didn't mind really, and was pretty used to being one anyways.

The three walked into the park, towards the carousel. They laughed and talked with each other as the carousel spun in a circle slowly.

The occasional kids ran past them, along with their parents walking behind them. They got a few "hello"'s from other Pedestrians walking by. Birds chirped, flowers flowed with the wind, and the laughter of children was very soothing for the teenagers.

That's what they did the rest of the evening. Just hung out with each other, enjoying each others company. They only left when it started to get dark.

(Y/n) entered her bedroom, and yawned, blessed by the sight of her bed and warm blanket calling to her. She got dressed into black shorts and a purple T-shirt, and flopped into bed.

Before (y/n) could even fall asleep, there was a soft knock on the door to her balcony. (Y/n) had a feeling it was the cat heroin himself, because he would be the only one who could even get onto her balcony. You know, unless it was a robber, that is.

So, being the careful person she is, she grabbed her bag, told Tikki to hide, and walked over to the balcony door. (Y/n) opened it up a crack, and saw the green feline eyes that belonged to Chat Noir.

She opened the door for him fully, letting the cat inside. He sat down on her bed, allowing himself to relax on it. "Do you need something Chat?" (Y/n) asks, sitting down beside him.

"I was wanting to talk to you about something." Chat says seriously, sitting back up. He looked into (y/n)'s eyes with his own green feline-like ones.

Chat looked down at his ring, taking a breath. "Claws in." (Y/n)'s eyes widen as he started to detransform. She closed her eyes and turned her head away. "Are you crazy?! I can't know who you are Chat!" (Y/n) urgently exclaims.

She felt a hand grab her chin gently and move her head towards the owner. "It's okay, I trust you." He says, and (y/n) could hear the smile on his face, proving that he did.

So she slowly opened her eyes, and scanned the others face. (Y/n) was fairly surprised at seeing Adrien in Chat Noir's place. But, she was also relieved it wasn't someone she didn't know.

(Y/n) hugged her boyfriend, sporting a closed eyed smile.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me that you are Chat Noir, Adrien." Adrien's warm arms wrap around her waist, hugging her back. To be honest, he thought she was going to freak out.

But he's relieved she didn't.

Mon coeur ~ Adrien/Chat Noir x readerWhere stories live. Discover now