!Covid 19 Special¡

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              Authors note
Sorry for the VERY late chapter. Unlike the summer special, this Covid 19 special won't be apart of the story line. It's just a little short extra.

(Y/n) wakes up from her nap because of ringing. It was from her phone. She grabs it and unlocks it.

Someone was calling her. It was Sebastian. (Y/n) accepts the call and puts the phone to her ear.

"Hey..." She says in a tired voice. "Hey (y/n). You sounds tired." He says. She yawns.

"Yeah, I just woke up." She says laying back down. "(Y/n)...... it's 6:34 pm." Sebastian explains. "Oh, before I forget, you missed a Zoom meeting. I can send you a picture of my notes if you want." He says calmly.

"Well crap. Thank you Sebastian. I owe you one." She says getting off her bed. Sebastian chuckles. "It's fine. You don't owe me anything." He says.

(Y/n) goes over to her laptop, and goes onto her social media account. She clicks on her messages, and goes to Sebastian's name. He sends her a picture of his notes.

They both talk, as she copies his notes.

"Plagg! Where's the toilet paper?" Adrien yells from his personal bathroom. He walks out of it, and sees Plagg making a castle out of toilet paper.

"I don't know why Father needs this much toilet paper...." Adrien says as he grabs one of the toilet rolls at the top.

"I don't care, these toilet papers are very comfortable." Plagg says as he goes inside the castle and lays on top of a cushion made with toilet paper.

Adrien puts the toilet paper in the bathroom. "School is almost over and it's almost summer, but we have to stay inside because of covid 19..." Adrien complains.

"Well, at least no akumatizations have taken place." Plagg points out. "True." Adrien says as he flops on his bed.

"Should I see what (y/n) is up to? She wasn't at the Zoom meeting. Something could have happened to her!" At that realization he falls out of bed, and runs to his phone.

He picks it up and dials her number.

(Y/n)'s phone rings, signaling someone else was calling you. "Oh, someone is calling me. I'll call you back Sebastian." She says and hung up.

She answered the call. "Are you alright, (y/n)? You weren't at the Zoom meeting." Adrien's voice comes from the phone.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just fell asleep." (Y/n) explains and she picks Shadow up. "Oh good. Do you need anything? Like, school related." Adrien asks.

"Actually no. Sebastian called, and he sent me his notes." (Y/n) says as she pets Shadow.

"Alright.... well if you need anything, you can call me." Adrien says, hoping she will. "I will." She says.

"Bye." Adrien says then he hung up.

"Adrien, she is just a girl. Stop worrying about her so much." Plagg says as he flies out of his toilet paper castle.

"She's not just ANY girl Plagg. She's my best friend, and these are some dire times. How can I not worry about her?" He says looking over to his Kwami.

"Are you positive you don't have a crush on her?" Plagg asks, sitting on his shoulder.

"W-What?! Of course I am! She is just a friend.." He says quickly. Plagg isn't buying it. "Yeah. Sure." Plagg says kind of annoyed.

He flies off of Adrien's shoulder and goes back inside his castle to eat some Camembert.

"I can't wait till this is all over, and I can go out again." Adrien says. He lays down on his couch and starts to watch a movie.

Marinette scrolls through her computer. She is looking at Adrien's posts. "He is so sexy." She awes at the picture on her screen.

"Marinette, your obsession with him is getting a little weird." Tikki says. Her owner looks at her with a shocked face.

"No it isn't!" She exclaims. Tikki flies over to Marinette's bed. "There is a cardboard cutout of him under your bed." Tikki says pointing at the bed.

"Okay, so what? It doesn't mean I'm obsessed with him." Marinette says scrolling through more pictures. "Whatever..." Tikki says exasperated.

Sebastian whistles as he wipes down the kitchen counter. He moves over to the table and wipes that down.

"Do you really have to clean the kitchen? I want to do something else!" ??? says annoyed by all of the chores Sebastian is doing.

"I'm not happy about it either, but I have to do my chores." He says as he finishes with the table. ??? thinks for a bit, wondering what could break the ice.

"Soooooo.... you and (y/n) seem to be getting close." ??? says, trying to spark up a conversation. "Yeah, we are. She's really nice." Sebastian says, setting down the washcloth.

"Do you like her?" ??? asks, going over to him. "I think I do like her." Sebastian says with a smile.

"She is pretty, isn't she." ??? states. "Okay, stop teasing me."  Sebastian says firmly. "What should we do? I'm done with the chores."

"I guess we could watch a movie, or go out." ??? suggests. "You know we can't do that. We have to stay inside." Sebastian says.

They both go to his bedroom and sit on his couch. "We'll watch a movie. I have one that's about an adventure revolving around 2 eagles. You will like it." And with that being said, Sebastian turns on the movie.
             Authors note
Okay, so I finally got this chapter done! I want you guys to guess who '???' is. 

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