Chapter 10

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(Y/n) looks down at herself, admiring the skin tight suit she's wearing. "I guess I'm Ladybug for now." She voiced her thoughts out loud. Chat begins to explain to her about the powers and how they work. After all of the explaining is done, they begin to search for Desperada. As both of the superheroes run across Paris, many people, who were very sad and pale, passed them. They both doubted finding her would be child's play.

But the huge crowd of Parisians surrounding the Eiffel Tower definitely caught their attention. Chat Noir and Ladybug looked at each other. "So Buttercup, do you think that this could pawsibly be a trap?" Chat Noir asks her. She shrugs her shoulders. "It could be. Just in case, let's stay on guard." Ladybug says. Chat nods in agreement, and the two made their ways to the Eiffel Tower. 

Perhaps Desperada was at the Eiffel Tower. Maybe it was all just a setup. How could they know? All they could do, was to go and check it out themselves. As they approached the tall structure, the Parisians turned towards the heroes. They expected an attack, but none came. They just stood there, staring at them, with dull eyes. It was kind of creepy if you asked them. People started to make room for someone.

Said someone, walked towards them calmly. It was weird for Chat. Usually akumatized civilians attacked them on sight. This certainly was new for him. "I see that you have found me.' Desperada says. "I mean, it wasn't that hard." Ladybug remarked, making Chat chuckle. That comment made the brunette frown a little. Silence covered Paris like a blanket. The only sounds audible were birds chirping, and the soft wind blowing leaves around.

"Uh... This is making me uncomfortable." Chat says, breaking the silence. The same feeling was in Ladybug. She may like silence, but this is too much. So they did what they had to do to stop the silence from continuing. They got out their weapons, and begun to attack Desperada. She knew this was going to end up happening, so she snapped her fingers, and all of the Parisians started to charge at the two heroes.

Chat Noir did his best to protect his bestfriend since she was new. She also did what she could to stop people from attacking him from the back. This went on for some time, till they made it to the Centre of the Eiffel Tower, where Desperada was. They start to fight. Every now and then, a beam comes from her yoyo, and it tries to hit one of them. They both dodge the beams. Ladybug scans Desperada, desperately trying to find the akumatized object. Nothing stood out yet.

Ladybug ran towards Chat Noir, grabbing him by the wrist, and running with him. "Do you have any idea about where the akumatized object is?" She asks him. A thoughtful look takes place on Chat's face. "I don't know.... try using your lucky charm. Maybe it will give an answer!" He says.

Both find a spot to hide while she calls on her lucky charm. A bracelet falls into both of her hands. Ladybug looks confusingly at it, then glances t Chat Noir. "Do you have any idea what this means?" She enquires, showing him the bracelet.

Chat knows that Marinette is Desperada, so when he takes a closer look at the bracelet, it kind of resembles the one he gave her. Of course, he can't tell her that. Maybe she'd get suspicious. So he makes up a story.

"I think I have an idea. I saw a glimpse of something similar to this. It was inside her yo-yo. If we grab it, we may be able to grab the bracelet and destroy it." Chat explains to Ladybug. The plan is logical, and good. There is a high chance it will work. "Could we use this?" She asks.

"I guess we could. Purrhaps we can use it as a substitute for the akumatized one." He proposes thoughtfully. "Let's just hope she's more dense than she looks." Ladybug comments. Chat nods his head in affirmation. So they both get out of the spot, and puts their plan to action.

Step 1.

Chat is going to distract Desperada, making sure he gets her full attention. While he does that, Ladybug starts to round up all of her minions, keeping them some place safe. She makes mental notes on where to not go that would cause Desperada's attention to be on her.

Step 2.

With the villains attention on the black cat hero, Ladybug makes her move. With the tug of her yo-yo, she propels herself forwards, purposely bumping into Desperada, she rolls on the ground next to Chat Noir.

She opens her palm revealing the bracelet from her lucky charm. During step 1, she painted the bracelet to match the colors that Chat describes by what he saw. When Desperada sees the bracelet, she scowls.

Step 3.

With the villain believing that she has her bracelet, she charges at her. Ladybug throws the bracelet towards Chat, which he skillfully catches. When he catches her attention, Ladybug sweeps her leg under Desperada's feet, making her trip.

The ladybug heroine uses her yo-yo to tie her up to the Eiffel Tower, while she was on the ground. Chat hands the bracelet back to Ladybug. He grabs the other one from Desperada's yo-yo.

"Cataclysm!" He yells, destroying the akumatized object to dust. From behind him, Ladybug throws the bracelet in the air and yells "Miraculous Ladybug!", turning everything back to normal. Marinette slips through the yo-yo, and into Chat's arms.

"It's alright Marinette, you're alright." He says as he sets her down gently. "Um... thank you." She says quietly, as she rubs her arm nervously. Marinette is very disappointed in herself. She shouldn't have let her emotions get the better of her.

Ladybug walks over to the two, and sets her hand on Chat Noir's shoulder. "I think it's time for me to return these." She whispers into his ear. "Oh right! Will you make it home safely?" He asks Marinette. "Yeah, I will." She responds.

At that, both heroines leave and walk to an secluded alleyway. "Spots off." (Y/n) says, and she detransforms back to a civilian. She hands the earrings to Chat, and he takes them. A sweet smile spreads across his pretty face. "You did really good Buttercup." He says cheerfully.

His smile was contagious. He could make anybody smile. Which is exactly what he did to (y/n). She smiles back at him, admiring his eyes and fluffy blonde hair. Even with a mask on, she could tell he was good looking. No doubt.

She shakes off the feeling of warmness settling inside her stomach. They say goodbye to each other, and (y/n) makes her way back home. As soon as she opens the door, two people tackle her with hugs.

"Where have you been?!" Her mother frantically asks. Both of them look at her with wide and worried eyes. (B/n) was already searching her for any wounds. "I'm fine! I was hiding somewhere safe." (Y/n) lies, hoping to reassure her overprotective family.

A sigh of relief left her brother, as he finds zero wounds. "You scared the life out of us (y/n) (l/n)! Next time an akuma attacks, please come home as soon as possible!" (M/n) exclaims, letting her arms drop to her sides. She goes to sit on the couch, and (y/n) feels guilty for making her mother worry like this.

Her and (b/n) go and sit next to their mom, and he turned on the tv. Switching to a random movie, they all huddled together under a big blanket that was resting on the rocking chair next to the couch.

Authors note
Yeah, so I definitely slacked. Sorry for the very late chapter. With school starting soon, these chapters will probably come later. But I will try to post more often, and not be too lazy.... maybe.

Mon coeur ~ Adrien/Chat Noir x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu