Chapter 3. 😻😻😻

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"No, wait! I haven't finished explaining!-" Plagg almost tells before entering the ring. Chat Noir looks down at himself in awe. "Too cool!" He says happily.

As Chat walks around Paris, someone gets thrown onto him, making both of them fall to the ground. "That hurt a lot less than I expected it to..." the person on top of him says, and Chat figured out it was a girl.

A groan escapes the cat, making the girl on top of him open her eyes. Her eyes widen, and she quickly gets off of him. "I'm so sorry!" She says quickly. Chat opens his eyes and sits up, while rubbing his head.

"It's alri-" his mouth shuts close when he looked at the girl. "Is that (y/n)" his mind wonders. Chat's mouth hangs open and his eyes widen a bit. He was very happy and surprised to see her.

(Y/n)'s Hand waves in front of his face. "You good?" She asks him. "Oh! Yep! I'm purrety good. You falling onto me was defurinetly the highlight of my day." Chat says with a smirk.

A small blush appears on her face, along with a smile. "That's good to hear. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." She says honestly. The reason she is being so nice to the boy, is because she loves cats.

"KIIIIMMM!!!" The golem yells from afar. "Well, that's my cue! Gotta pounce! It was nice meeting you..." Chat says, waiting for her name, even though he already knows it. "(Y/n)." She says, as they both stand up.

"I'm, Chat Noir... Yeah, Chat Noir." The adorable cat says with his adorable smile. Secretly, (y/n) is fangirling on the inside, but she doesn't want to show it. When the huge golem rages like a T-Rex, she runs away towards her house.

When she is gone, he grabs his staff and starts to tightrope over his stick. There is only three things on his mind. The akumatized villain, tightroping, and (y/n). He didn't even realize when a bug themed hero comes zooming to him.

"I wonder if (y/n) got home okay. I hope she did! I should visit her tonight... I will!" He says happily. Ladybug swings into him on accident, and it ends up with them being tied up by her yo-yo.

"Well, hey there. Nice of you to drop in." Chat says, looking at the ladybug themed hero. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Ladybug apologizes. Chat Noir slips through her yo-yo and lands perfectly on the ground.

"I bet you're the new partner my Kwami told me about. I'm Chat Noir, and you?" He asks Ladybug with a small smile. "I'm Ma... er.... Mar.... uhh..." She stutters as she pulls on her yo-yo and it bonks Chat on the head.

He rubs his head making a face. "Madly Clumsy. I'm so clumsy." She finally gets out, being all awkward. "No sweat, clumsy girl. I'm learning the ropes too." He explains to Ladybug.

A boom-like sound comes from a distance, and a building crashes to the ground. Chat backs away a bit, then uses his staff to boost himself onto a building.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going?!" She yells to him. Chat solutes to her. "To save Paris, right?" He yells back ten runs off towards the explosion.

Ladybug sighs and looks down at her yo-yo. "Trust yourself, trust yourself." She repeats to herself, and uses her yo-yo to follow Chat Noir.

(Y/n) runs inside her house. "Whew! I should really start running more.... but I don't want to." She says as she walks up the stairs and to her room.

Her grey cat, Shadow, is sprawled out on her bed. She smiles down at him. "I met this guy today, Shadow! His name is Chat Noir." She says. Shadow looks at her nonchalantly.

"You two would probably have a lot in common. You're both really cute and sweet!" (Y/n) continues to talk to her cat as he lays on her lap purring.

Mon coeur ~ Adrien/Chat Noir x readerWhere stories live. Discover now