𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙆𝙚𝙮𝙨

Start from the beginning

"Shut up!" I yelled, "but I quite like your second sentence."

Dori slammed her hands on the table.

"Opps, someone's angry," I mumbled.

"Don't be late tomorrow everyone! Please be here on time!"

"Yes Mr. Wang!"

Everyone cheered after Mr. Wang left the classroom with a smiley face.

"Ah! I can't wait for the trip!" Lyla squeaked, "I will go first then, bye Seohyun! Bye Won-Young!" Lyla picked up her schoolbag and waved at us.

I stopped her. "Wait, where are you going? Aren't you staying in the dorm?"

"You dumbass, remember I told you yesterday that I'm not staying in dorm today. I'm going back to my mum's house to pack my luggage for tomorrow," Lyla explained.

Ah right.

"Okay then bye!"

I walked back to my seat and saw Won-Young lazily standing against my table.

"Don't you need to go back home and pack your luggage too?" I asked and put a blue notebook into my schoolbag.

"Nah, I've finished packing yesterday." She stood straight and her eyes sparkled when an idea popped up in her head.

I raised my brows. "Hm?"

"Why don't I come over and help you to pack your stuff instead? It's gonna be fun!"

Good idea.

"Sure! Let me just..." I zipped my bag and threw it onto my shoulder.

"Let's go!" I pulled her arm dragging her along.

She giggled.

We've arrived at the reception table in the dorm when the house mistress called my name.

"Miss Kim?"

"Oh yes." I made a quick turn and entered the old lady's small office.

My eyes first got in contact with the old lady then my gaze landed on the two figures sitting on the couch.

I gasped, "Omma! Oppa!" I ran to them as they stood up. I snuggled into Taehyung's big broad chests with mum's warm hug surrounding both of us.

I heard Taehyung chuckled, "when did you become such a kid? You five?"

"Yah, hugging doesn't mean I'm a kid, plus, I don't miss you now," I gave him a little 'hm!' before I turned to mum.

"Omma I miss you the most," I dramatically smiled. My mum laughed and patted my head, "Seohyun ah, how are you lately? Good?"

I nodded my head.

"You should call us more often," she said.

"Sorry omma, I've been quite busy because of all the tests, but yeah sure, I will be free after the trip tomorrow."

"Oh and also...oh hello there." My mum turned to the doorway.

"Hello!" Won-Young politely bowed when my family saw her.

"Omma, this is Won-Young, she's new to our school and we're friends now."

"Hello cutie," Taehyung smirked.

But that was a false move because he immediately earned a smack from my mum and a hit from me.

"Not with my best friend!" I whisper-screamed.

Won-Young giggled, "nice to meet you both and...ah..."

Won-Young held her stomach and bent down. Her face was scrunched up like she was in pain.

"Won-Young, what happened?" I concernedly ran to her and held her arm.

"I think I ate something wrong, is there  a toilet around here?"

I worriedly looked around.

"No I don't think so, why don't you go to my room first and use my bathroom?" I asked and without waiting for her response, I pushed my keys into her hands.

"Thank you so much." She stumbled but still managed to use the lift and left.

"Your friend seems to be really sick, should we leave now and you go check on her?" Taehyung kindly suggested.

She does look really ill... But I just met my family for 2 minutes!

"But I wanna chat with you two as well! I think she's just having a stomachache, let's have a quick chat before I go upstairs, okay?"

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙂𝙪𝙮 | PJM ffWhere stories live. Discover now