the unwilling ranger PT 1

Start from the beginning

Your cold hands crossed your chest as you held onto your shoulders, swaying under the stream of water. It was a poor attempt at comfort yourself from the inescapable destiny that had been thrust upon you.

Thick, black mud spurted from the drain, bubbling at your toes. It was unnoticeable at first, but as the tub began to fill with water, reaching your calves, it was only then you realized the drain had clogged.

"Shit," you grumbled, kicking your feet around in the dirty water. Thinking nothing of it, you assumed that perhaps the pipes had become backed up by the recent storm.

Billy Cranston sat alone at the cafeteria table, quietly working on his science papers whilst chewing on a chocolate bar. He hadn't noticed your presence as you hadn't made a sound in the last five minutes, and when he did, he jumped nearly five feet into the air.

"Sorry." you apologized, your brows tilted upward in a sympathetic manner. "You were so in the zone that I didn't know how to get your attention."

He shook his head in disbelief, unable to grasp the concept of you actually speaking to him as it had been so long.

"Oh, no that's okay." he stammered, swallowing the piece of chocolate that he had nearly choked on. "Did you uh-need something?"

Not much had changed between either one of you, except maybe your features that had matured since the age of thirteen. Your fathers had been co-workers, leading you and Billy to one another, quickly becoming best friends. The two of you spent countless summer days exploring the valleys of the mines, collecting rocks and what you had been convinced were fossils.

"Billy, I'm so sorry that I pushed you away during freshman year. It's just I was going through a lot, you know with the anxiety and everything. I went to a really dark place-emotionally- and I just had to be-I thought I needed to be alone." You admitted as you began to choke up. "But you needed me. You couldn't stand up for yourself-I mean neither could I-but I should've been there and I'm so sorry."

Where your cheeks were once full, they had now become hollow as the tired bags under your eyes nearly reached the apples of your cheeks.

"I know you probably don't want to hang out with me anymore, and I understand, I mean you have new friends now...but I just-I just really need a friend right now." Letting out a shaky breath, you looked up at Billy with glassy eyes.

"Hey, it's all good. It's water under the bridge." He smiled, slightly uncomfortable as he wasn't sure what to do.

"I'm sorry, I just think there's something wrong-" Your confession was interrupted by Jason Scott taking a seat next to Billy, followed by the rest of his new found friends.

Taking the back of your sleeve, you quickly wiped away the tears that pooled in your eyes.

"Uh-Sorry I should go." You stammered, clambering to get out of the cafeteria seat. "See you around."

Billy watched as you walked away, nervously playing with something in your hands. As the sunlight peered through the lunch room windows, he could have sworn he saw a green light shining from your palm.

As you left the cafeteria and allowed the noise from the lunchroom to disappear behind you as the doors shut, you felt a pain ripple through your chest. Fo

"Who was that?" Zach asked as he took bite out of his apple, straddling the back of the chair.

"Just an old friend." Billy's words were distant as your hollow eyes haunted his mind.

"She seemed upset, is everything alright?" Jason asked, his gaze falling on you as you glanced behind meeting his eyes, just for a moment, before quickly scurrying off like a startled animal.

"That I do not know," Billy admitted, fumbling with the foil around his sandwich.

"She looks a bit sick," Kimberly commented with a worried look on her face as she poked her fork into the pasta on her plate.

"I didn't know you were friends with Y/N, she's in my history class." Trini piped in, spraying Jason with the mist from her Pepsi as she opened the can. "She totally bugged out a few weeks ago."

"What do you mean bugged out?" Kimberly asked as she dabbed the napkin to the corner of her mouth. Trini let out a content sigh as she sipped on her drink, ready to go into depth of what had happened. That is until something caught her eye in the hallway, standing up from her seat she furrowed her brows together.

"What?" Jason asked, looking at Trini and the doors. "Trini? What are you looking at?"

Plopping back into her seat, she pursed her lips, her eyes not leaving the door. "I thought I saw was probably nothing." Not thinking much of it, the group continued to chat.


The rangers perched themselves on the edge of the Cliffside, feet dangling over the massive drop that led to the pool of water below.

"I don't want to be cheesy, but I never thought I'd have friends like this," Trini admitted, leaning her head on Kimberly's shoulder.

"Aww, Trini." Zach teased, earning a punch on the shoulder.

The group laughed amongst themselves, their smiles fading as the sky's cast a strange red light over Angel Grove. Like blood washing through waves, the clouds bled scarlet as the horizon lit up with fiery shades of red and oranges.

"What the hell?" Jason said as he got to his feet, the blues of his eyes lighting on fire from the reflection of the sky. "It's too early for sunset." Joining him, the others stood with him, eyes not leaving the sky.

"Red skies at night, sailors delight." Zach hummed. "Red skies at morning, sailors take warning."

A rumble of thunder rolled above the clouds before a startling bolt of lightning cracked across the sky, like broken glass. Shielding their eyes from the bright flash of scorching light that erupted from above, slowly opening their eyes to a seemingly clear blue sky.

"You guys saw that too, right?" Kimberly asked in disbelief. "I'm not in some weird fever dream, am I?"

"Nope, we definitely all saw that." Jason's voice trailed off, the sound of stone crunching beneath footsteps grabbing his attention.

Clad in armour that covered the figure like an emerald shell, the sixth ranger emerged, stumbling toward the group.

"He's back." pain evident in the mysterious green rangers voice as they pushed the words out from their throat. "He's back and he's going to-"

The armour began to dissolve from the green ranger, slowly revealing the familiar face behind the armour. The rangers stood still, stunned by the scene playing out before them.

"Y/N?" Billy cried, pushing his way through the others. "Jason, catch her, she's gonna pass out." He quickly ordered.

Your legs buckled beneath your weight. Swiftly catching you in his strong arms, your fingers clawing at the fabric of his denim jacket.

"He's back." You breathed, blood dripping from your split lip. "He's going to destroy everything. He won't stop until he kills all of you."

"Who? Who's back?" Jason asked, trying to relax your frantic movements. "Y/N, who?"

"Lord Zedd." You whispered as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, submitting to the exhausting darkness that you had been fighting.

The same force that had seduced Rita Repulsa to stray from the good and be consumed by evil, had returned, prepared to finish what the Power Rangers had worked so hard to stop, and this time he had found a new pawn.


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