"That's sounds good, right y/n?"

You flinch and start nodding your head.

"So you guys came for ice cream too?" Bokuto asks.

"Yep, y/n wanted some."

"Actually it was your idea..." you say shyly.

Kuroo laughs. "Let's go order."

You stand at the counter with Kuroo, admiring all the different flavors.

"The same thing as always yeah?"

You gave him a smile.

"What will it be?" The lady behind the counter asks.

"One (Favorite flavor) bowl for the lady here." He winks.
"And one vanilla bowl for me please."

The lady smiled at him. "What a gentleman, you guys are adorable."

You started to laugh.

"No no, we're just friend ma'am.." Kuroo chuckles.

"I'm sorry for assuming, will that be all today?" She asks.

"Yes thank you."

Kuroo handed you your ice cream and he pulled you towards the two Fukurodani players.

Seriously!!!!!!! That's it.. It's official.. Nekoma will need a new captain here soon! Cause I'm gonna kill this bi**h

As you guys walked up to the table, Bokuto gave you smile.

"You look nice y/n!" He says.

You blush at his comment and Kuroo rolled his eyes, pushing you down to sit next to Akaashi, him taking the seat in front of you and next to Bokuto.

You stared at your ice cream embarrassed.

"Stop your flirting Bokuto, she's too shy for your shit." Kuroo laughs.

You continued to stare at your bowl, not really wanting to see his reaction.

"Are you okay?" you hear beside you.

You jumped a little, you looked over to meet those beautiful blue eyes of his.
He looked concerned.

Bokuto and Kuroo weren't paying attention since they were deep in conversation with another.

"Oh um yes I'm fine.. Why?"

"Well you've been staring at your ice cream for over ten minutes.. And haven't touched it..you also kinda looked lost in your thoughts."

Oh you have no idea!

"Oh yeah..um I kinda zoned out there for a moment..." You say embarrassed and finally took a bite of your ice cream.
It was on the verge of melting point.

"Isn't that right y/n?" Kuroo says looking over to you.

You were caught off guard. "What?"

"Just say yes." Kuroo laughed.

"I don't wanna.. I don't know what I'm agreeing too.."

Bokuto and Kuroo laughed. Which made you blush.
You felt like a third wheel with those two.

"Hey...y/n?" Akaashi whispers.

You look over to him with a confused look.

"Are you and Kuroo dating?" He asked.

You looked at him shocked and choked on your ice cream.

"Oh my goodness no! We're just friends!!" you say waving your hands in the air frantically.

"Aha Akaashi, you're the second one to ask that today." Kuroo laughed.

"Sorry, it's just that you guys seemed really close--"

"Only because we've been friends since we were babies..." You coughed out.

"Sorry..." Akaashi said.
You noticed that his face had turned bright red.

"Its all good Akaashi my man, I get it, we are really close but y/n is more of like a sister to me."

The setter nodded his head. Still embarrassed.

"Hey you guys busy tonight?" Kuroo asks.

"Nope why??" Bokuto answers.

"Why don't you guys come over to y/n's, her aunt is on night shifts this weekend so she won't be back till tomorrow morning."

"Kuroo..." you try but he held a hand up to you.

"We can play video games, y/n has a whole collection and online as well, she plays with Kenma almost every night!"

"Sounds cool!" Bokuto says.

"Only if you're okay with it y/n" Akaashi says.

You gave them a smile and nodded your head.
"My aunt won't mind anyways! She'd actually be quite happy that I made new friends..." You whispered the last part.

Akaashi gave you a side look, as he was the only one who heard it.

"Well let's get going then!" Kuroo says while getting up from the table.

This should be fun... Right?

Falling For You (AkaashiXReader) Where stories live. Discover now