The Tattoo & Piercing his Ears

Start from the beginning

"They're just helping me accept my sexuality" I said rolling my eyes

"If you say so, but if I find any panties or bras anywhere you're grounded" he said and my eyes widened

(A/N; I know that has nothing to do with his voice being deeper but just go with it)

~He honestly thinks that's what I was doing?!~

"OH MY GOD! DAD NO!" I yelled making him grin

"I'm just messing with you" he said laughing

"That was not funny" I said glaring at him

"Whatever, I'm in my room if you need me" he said walking off. The minute his room door was closed the front door busted open

"WE ARE HERE!" Jay exclaimed putting her fists on her hips like All Might

"Shut up and let's go" I said getting up off of the most comfortable couch ever (next to the one at home of course)

"Grumpy much" Bells commented rolling her eyes

"Please guys let's just go" I whined running a hand through my hair

"I can use my quirk to get us to the mall faster" Kade said

(Present Mic voice: Kade Niel! Quirk; Transport!
Able to teleport himself and anyone else (as long as they're touching) anywhere as long as he knows what where he's going looks like!)

"Okay thanks" I said holding onto Jay who was holding onto Gabe who was holding onto Becky who was holding onto Kade

In the blink of an eye we were in the middle of the mall and in the middle of a bustling crowd "anybody know where the tattoo parlor is?" I asked

"I can show you" Ky said shrugging, wrapping his arm around Kade's waist

"Lead the way Mr Evans" I said making him roll his eyes but started walking in the direction I believe the tattoo parlor was

"I'mma be right back" Jade said "gotta go use the ladies room"

"Of course you do" I said looking at her with an expression that said 'Really'

"Oh shut up you Asparagus!" She grumbled walking away, throwing a glare at me over her shoulder

"And you call me grumpy" I said pointing at Bells continuing to follow Ky to the tattoo parlor

"So Izuku" Danny called out glancing at me "why do you want a tattoo?"

"Why do you think I want a tattoo?" I asked wanting his opinion on this

"To impress Bakugou?" He asked and I rolled my eyes

"Kaachan was the last thing on my mind when I thought of getting the tattoo" I said before shrugging "I just felt a weird need to have one, and I don't question my gut. If it says to get a tattoo, I'll get a tattoo"

"Alright buddy" he said "and having your ears pierced?"

"I've been planning on that for about a year now" I said tapping my chin in deep thought about when I first decided to get my ears pierced

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