Your crush.

Akaashi Keiji, Fukurodani's volleyball setter.

You blushed as you made eye contact, your eyes immediately darted down to your desk.

"You're blushing again"
You hear some one whisper to you.

You looked to see who had said that and came face to a girl with a smirk on her face.

"Its kinda pathetic he would ever give you any kind of attention." She snickered.

You looked at her with sad eyes and brought your attention back to your drawing. Trying to ignore the words she said to you.

This girl.. Why did she have to be in my first period class.. And not to mention she decided to sit right beside me...this. Is going to be a very long year..

As classes were finally coming to an end, it was time for lunch.

You went to your usual spot outside under a shady tree and took out your bento box.
You always brought your own lunch, trying to avoid people as much as you can.
Unfortunately sometimes that didn't always work.

"Oh look, l/n eating by herself again, how sad. You know if you packed something more healthy and lost a few pounds, you would have more friends." The girl who was in your first period class says.

Her name was Sara.

You looked down at your hands which held your favorite candy bar.
Your faced turned red.

"Hey that's not nice to say to someone!" You hear someone say.

You looked up to see the boys volleyball ace, with a frown on his face.


"You know, do you guys get a high from picking on someone? Kinda lame." Another voice says, coming up behind Bokuto.


Your eyes widened at his voice and you tried to look away, making you all flustered.

"Whatever." Sara says as she walked away with her two friends.

You decided to put away the candy bar, immediately losing your appetite.

"Hey you okay?" Bokuto says as he starts walking up to you.

"Yeah I'm good...I'm actually kinda used to it.. She's been like that since last year.."

"How lame." Akaashi says, behind Bokuto.

Your face becomes even more red.

Akaashi and you have never spoke before and this interaction only made you anxious.

"I'm sorry to hear...well I'm--"

"Bokuto and Akaashi, yeah.. You guys are the captain and vice captain of the boys volleyball knows yiy guys...anyways..Nice to meet you, I'm y/n l/n."

Bokuto looked at you with a smile. "I guess you know more about us than we do you." He laughs.

You immediately got embarrassed. "Oh.. No.. Not like that... I'm I'm not a freak or a stalker or what-whatever...its just people talk.. And I over hear things...I'm sorry if I sounded like a creep just then.." you stumble for words.

Bokuto laughs again. "L/n it's okay! I didn't think it was weird, I kinda assumed that's how you knew us.."

You started picking at the grass all embarrassed. "Sorry.."

"Why are you sorry?" Akaashi asks.

Your heart skipped a beat and your face glowed red. "Oh um.. I don't know.. Just thought it'd be the right thing to say I guess.."

Suddenly your phone starts to buzz beside you.
Taking your attention to the phone you saw:

Bokuto gave you a weird look.
"Oh? Kuroo as in Nekoma Kurro?"

You looked at him shyly. "Um yeah.." and then answered the phone.
You spoke softly. "Hi Kuroo.."

"Ou put him on speaker!!" Bokuto yells as he takes a seat next to you excited.

You did as he asked.

"Is that Bokuto y/n?" Kuroo asks.

"Oh um yeah..-"

"Akaashi is here too! Say hi Akaaaaaashi!"

"Hi Kuroo, How are things?" The setter asks.

"Good, hey? How do you know y/n?" Kuroo asks.

Your heart started to race..

"Oh that popular girl Sara was picking on here a few minutes ago, I came and saved the day!" He smiled at you.

"Not her again.. Are you okay?"

"I'm awesome!"

"Um Bokuto, I believe he was asking l/n that question."

You couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah I'm okay Kuroo, I'll talk about it later.."

"So Kuroo! How do you guys know each other?" Bokuto asks.

"Oh we grew up together! Her, me and Kenma."

"Oh wait! Is this the y/n that you always talk about??"

Your face became red..yet again.

"Yeah that's the one!"

"Well I hate to spoil this but Bokuto..lunch will be over soon and we haven't eaten yet.." Akaashi says.

"Oh okay! I'll see you at the training camp Kuroo!" Bokuto says before standing up.

"See ya guys! Bye Akaashi, I'll talk to you later y/n."

You smiled. "O-Okay, have a good day Kuroo."

Then the phone line was dead.

"How much time do we have?" Bokuto asks Akaashi while his stomach started to growl.

You noticed his face turn red at the sound.

"Oh um.. I have some extra snacks if you guys want...I don't mind sharing.." You held your bento box open.

"Awe thanks! L/N!" Bokuto says, taking and apple.

"You can just call me y/n." you smiled.

"Well y/n, you have a very nice smile."

His words made you flinch as well as becoming embarrassed.
No one has ever said that to you before...


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