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It's been 2 years since I moved to California, and throughout those 2 years, Daniel and  I have become really close friends. I was at home in my room sitting at my desk, finishing up my homework, then I heard a knock on the door. I got up opened the door. "Daniel! Hey, what's up?" "Oh nothing, I just wanted to see if we can hangout" "Yeah sure! Wanna come in?" I offered. "Well I was thinking maybe we can go to my place if that's ok." He said. "Yeah of course! Let me just shower real quick and I'll head over." "Ok" Daniel went to his apartment and I closed the door. I went to my bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done, I went to my room and changed into some jeans and a random grey oversized shirt I found. I went over to Daniel's place and knocked on the door. Mrs. LaRusso opened the door and greeted me. "Hi (y/n)! How you doin' sweetie?" "I'm doing good Mrs. LaRusso, how are you?" I said with a smile. "I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Come on in!" I walked in and was greeted by Daniel. "Hey (y/n)!" he said hugging me. "Hey Daniel. You're in a good mood today, what's up?" I said hugging back. "Nothing, I'm just happy to see you." We pulled away and walked to his room. I laid down on his bed and asked, "So?" I said looking at him. "So what?" he said shrugging. "There's something you're not telling me. What is it?" "Nothing!" he said smiling, "There's nothing going on." I sat up and looked at him, I tried to figure out what it was. Then I thought, "Daniel LaRusso! Do you like someone?!" I said smiling. His face went red, "Nooooo? Maaayybe? Ok yes." he said. "OooOOO!! Daniel has a crush!!" I said in a teasing way. "Who is it?!" "I'll tell you, but you better not tell anyone." "I promise, now tell me!" I said begging him. "Ok ok! I like Ali." I looked at him and said, "OoOoo! Daniel and Ali!!"  "Shut up!" Daniel said. I was laughing, on the outside. On the inside I was really hurt. I've liked Daniel ever since I met him. Ali was a good friend of mine, and the one of the only friends I had other than Daniel. 

Daniel, Ali, and I are really good friends. Ali had other friend groups too, so she barely hung out with me and Daniel. I looked at Daniel and asked, "So how long have you liked her?" "About 2 years. Man she's gorgeous! I wanted to ask you if you can help me ask her out." I didn't want to, but being the nice person I am, I said I would help. "You should just, go up to her at school tomorrow and ask if she wanted to go out to 'Golf N' Stuff' with you on Saturday night. Then tell her how you feel, and see if she feels the same way." I told him. "That's a great idea! Thanks (y/n), I knew I could count on you." He hugged me, but I didn't hug back. "No problem LaRusso" I said patting his back. He pulled away and smiled. I got up from the bed and said, "You know, I forgot, I still have some homework to do. I'm gonna uhh, go home." That was a lie, I already finished my homework. I just wanted to be alone at the time. "We can work on it together." He said. "No, I'm good, thanks for the offer. Bye Daniel" I said with a fake smile. I walked out his apartment as fast as I could and went to mine. I went to my room and plopped myself on my bed. "You stupid idiot," I told myself. "You really thought it was going to be you?" "Yes I did. But I wasn't surprised. Why would anybody like me?" I was talking to myself in my head.  I just sat there on my bed, thinking about Daniel, and how he likes Ali. A few seconds later, the phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?" I said. "Hey (y/n), it's Ali!" "Hi Ali! What's up?" "Nothing much. I just wanted to talk to you about something." I had a feeling I already knew what was gonna happen. "Ok, what is it?" "I kind of like Daniel" Ali said. I put my arm up in the air, put it down, and mouthed, "Oooofff COURSE YOU DO!" to myself while rolling my eyes. "OoOOo! Ali and Daniel!!" I said in a teasing way. "Shut up!" she said with a laugh. "How long?" I ask. "About 2 years. My eyes widen. "I wanna tell him, but I don't know how. Can you help me?" "Sure" "Great! What do you have in mind?" "Tomorrow at school, just tell him how you feel. That's it." "Are you serious?" she said. "Yeah, just trust me on this. I think he might like you too. Just tell him, don't be shy." "Wait, he likes me?!" she said. "I said he MIGHT, not he DOES. It's 50/50." I said to her. "Alright. Thanks for the help (y/n), you're such a good friend. Aw I wish I could hug you right now." "Yeah no problem" I said. "Well I gotta go, I have some homework to do. I'll talk to you soon. Bye (y/n)!" "Bye Ali" I put the phone down and sighed. I wasn't jealous of Ali, I was actually happy for her. I was also happy for Daniel too. I didn't know what to do if they ended up dating. I'll just have to sit around and pretend like I'm ok, when I'm really not. 

Young LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora