"It's okay, Ryu-ah. It's just me... Changbin," he said when I could see him, making it easier to calm down. "I didn't mean to scare you. I've just been waiting over here for you to wake up. Taemin called BamBam after he left you here earlier. I came about an hour ago to come sit with you and make sure you were okay."

"I'm okay, Oppa," I reassured him as my heart rate finally evened out. "The doctor just gave me something after he admitted me to help my heart rate come down and make me sleep. So, I was in a deep sleep when you came in and I had no idea anyone was in here."

"Well, I'm sorry I scared you," he told me. "By the way, the guys are all worried about you. Han and Felix practically ran back to the company building to find out if any of us had heard anything."

"I didn't want to worry them. I had Taemin bring me here because my heart rate was a little high considering I had just woken up. Instead of risking issues later, I just asked him to bring me in to the hospital then to see my cardiologist to be safe. There was no emergency. My cardiologist is only keeping me to observe me and get a better idea of my heart rate over at least a 24 hour period. If everything is okay, I should be back at school the day after tomorrow," I explained.

"And if anything is wrong?"

"I'll stay for an extra day or so until he can figure out how to get my heart rate under control again," I replied.

"That's what we're all afraid of, Ryu-ah," Changbin said. "Have you been having nightmares about whatever happened with Woojin?"

I shook my head.

"But I've been having nightmares about my math tutor from when I was a kid," I told him, hating lying to him. "He had roaming hands."

"What about Woojin?" he asked.

"I don't remember what happened that day... I just remember freaking out that I was in a small room and then you pulling him off of me. I don't really know what happened in between," I told him, only partially lying this time.

Changbin sighed.

"Me, Chan, and Han are going to do our best to keep him from coming down here to see you, Ryu-ah. Alright?"

I nodded, not sure how to react to that since I was claiming I didn't remember anything, so I just didn't react any other way.

Changbin let it go after that and we relaxed together. He  left around dinner time. At that point, Yuta showed up with food for me.

"Taemin asked me to bring you this. He's still in meetings and said that you probably wouldn't eat the hospital food," Yuta said, sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"Not particularly. I hate it," I told him. "So how are you, Yuta-sempai?"

He laughed.

"You're the one in a hospital bed and you're asking me how I'm doing?" he asked me.

I shrugged.

"What? You know how I'm doing? Why waste the small talk asking what you already know since you talked to Taemin," I told him. "I haven't seen you in a while. I'd rather find out how you are."

"This is why I get along with you like I do with Taemin. You don't mince words," Yuta said, smiling. "You're direct."

"Why tiptoe around something? If you have something to say, just say it and get over it. If you don't have the balls, go hide in a corner," I told him and he started laughing harder.

"Wow, I can definitely see Suga's influence on you," he replied.

"I'm bored, and I'm less likely to try to keep it in line when I get bored," I said, shrugging.

From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin FF COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now