Chapter Fifteen

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Ryu-ah's POV:

Right after Han, Felix, and I turned in our project for our music production class, Dongmyeong asked to speak to me alone afterschool. He seemed nervous, but I agreed. So, at the end of the day, after we had both changed back into our uniforms, I met Dongmyeong in our dance class. He looked more nervous than when he had asked to talk to me earlier.

"Dongmyeong? Is everything okay?" I asked him, trying to get him to focus on something other than his nerves.

He looked up at me and smiled. He had a contagious yet pretty smile.

"I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me?" he finally said. "And maybe we could work on some music together?"

"Dongmyeong, I can't give you an answer yet," I told him, seeing his eyes get sad. "It's not that I wouldn't like to. You're a really sweet guy. It's my appa. The rule on me dating is that anyone who wants to date me needs to get to know him first. If you want to go out with me, you might want to do that soon. With the end of year shows about to go into full swing, Appa won't be around much soon."

"So you're only saying no because of Jin-hyung?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Here," I said, texting him Appa's number, "call Appa and tell him why I gave you my number. See what he wants to do because he's already met you and gotten to know you a bit. Then we'll see if I can go out with you."

The smile returned to his eyes before he gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. He left me in the dance class, smiling, and confused as to why I was agreeing to date someone else if Appa allowed it who wasn't Jisung. It was when I realized I really was truly terrified to do anything that might ruin our friendship by dating him. No matter how much I loved him, I was terrified that letting him out of the friendzone would chase him out of my life forever somehow.

"Are you ready to go yet, Ryu-ah?" Jisung asked from the door to the dance class.

I had forgotten that after I spoke to Dongmyeong I was supposed to go to SM with him so I could spend some time with Yuta, him, and the others I hadn't been able to see much because of NaNa. NaNa had a busy schedule for the rest of the day so he wouldn't be back with the others until late, which was why I was going.

"Yeah, I'm just bummed I won't get to see Taeyong or Mark," I told him, starting to walk towards him.

"So am I," he replied. "I miss them."

Johnny was waiting outside for Jisung and I. I hadn't been up to driving to school, so he had given me and Jisung a ride into school that morning as well. He drove us back to SM, but when the three of us got there, security took me to Lee Soo Man's office. Not long after they brought me there, Heechul came up to meet me.

"Do you know why I had security bring you here, Ms. Kim?" Lee Soo Man asked me.

"No, Sir," I replied.

"The song you and Kris released recently, Ryu-ah," Heechul explained.

"I thought you were too afraid of planes to travel out of Seoul, Ms. Kim. Not to mention, Kris Wu had already left EXO when Kim Seokjin became your Appa, so I don't know how you ever met him," Mr. Lee started. "But all of a sudden, Kris releases a new song in China, and not only are you in the video with him, I hear you helped direct the video as well as producing the song for him."

"I did, Mr. Lee," I told him. "Kris and Luhan's lawsuits said they couldn't perform in Japan or South Korea unless it was under their SM contracts. But the first Christmas Appa and I would have celebrated without the rest of the family, I put myself in the hospital. Appa called Luhan to come to Seoul and be my guardian because of the end of year shows. When I was released, Luhan called Kris to come help him with me. Kris came because I met EXO-M after Kris left but before Luhan left and Luhan told him I helped make EXO-M genuinely smile again. They took over my lessons that J-Hope, Jimin, and Suga usually gave me while BTS was gone, and they returned to China as soon as the end of year shows ended. But in the time they were with me, Kris and I got close. Last year, I got on a plane for the first time since I became Jin's daughter to go see Kris, Luhan, Tao, and Lay, and I was looking at some of his songs he couldn't finish and I started messing around with it and the two of us were able to finish it from there, mostly long-distance. I didn't return to China until the music video."

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